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Vinnie had just arrived in Australia. It was a Wednesday evening. She'd flown in from Monaco with Arthur, Em and Charles on their private jet. It was a very long fight and Vinnie and Em had pretty much just watched American sick-coms the whole time. It was one of their favourite things to do together.

Charles and Arthur slept the whole time. It was actually quite impressive how long the two of them had been able to sleep for. Vinnie and Em had to use all their will power to resist scribbling on their faces with a marker. Or they did for Charles, he'd been in the public eye all weekend, but Arthur wouldn't be.....

That was why Arthur now had a moustache scribbled on his upper lip and was not talking to his little sister or Vinnie. As funny as Charles found it, he'd sent one of the Ferrari personal out to buy acetone to get it off as soon as they got to the hotel they were all staying at.

"I can't believe you have to share a room with Lando Norris." Em chuckled as her and Vinnie walked to her room. "I know." Vinnie sighed. "And he couldn't be more annoying." She added, waiting for Em to open her hotel room door. "Well, you can chill here for a few hours." Em told Vinnie with a smile as she swiped her keycard. "Ugh, you're an angel." Vinnie said, throwing her arms around her friend. "I had to share a bed with him last weekend." Vinnie groaned into the back of Em's shoulder as they walked into her room. "Wait, you what?" Em was quick to ask, turning around to look at Vinnie.

"Well, there's only one bed in the room..." Vinnie explained and a smirk appeared on her friend's face. "No." Vinnie was quick to tell her, knowing exactly what she was thinking. "If you're sharing a bed with him then it's going to happen at sometime." Em shrugged, still with a smile on her face. "I can assure you that it will not." Vinnie chuckled, finding just even the concept of her and Lando hooking-up comical. Like as if.

"We'll see." Em said, still with a smirk as she dropped her bags onto the floor before letting herself fall onto the bed. Vinnie left her bags by the door, ready to take them to her room later. "We're just teammates." Vinnie said, rolling her eyes as she joined her friend on her bed. "Just teammates?" Em teased with a wiggle of her brows and Vinnie was quick to chuck a pillow at her. "Hey!" She squealed and all Vinnie could do was laugh as the pillow was hurled back at her. "You never know, maybe Lando will be your lucky charm this weekend." Em kidded. "If only." Vinnie remarked.

Vinnie was really hoping to bag her first podium in F1 this weekend after having finished fourth again in Jedediah a few weeks ago, so she really needed a lucky charm. It was of course not Lando though. If it wasn't for him, she would have bagged her first podium on her first race. Which was something he was still yet to apologise for.

"I was speaking to Callum the other day..." Em changed the subject, trialling off and Vinnie let out a loud groan. "Oh, come on." Em wined, throwing her hands up. "It has been forever, surely you can kiss and make-up by now." Vinnie's friend told her and she was quick to scoff. "I don't think so." Vinnie said, letting her head fall back onto the bed. "Why not?" Em asked, joining her in lying down. "I just don't know how I can trust him." Vinnie told her, turning to look at her monegasque friend. "I mean, he kept all of his contract negotiations from me." Vinnie added and Em nodded.

"Yeah, I do think he should of told you as soon as he found out they were interested in him." Em said and Vinnie was a little shock that she agreed with her. "Really?" Vinnie asked and Em nodded. Em was always the type of person who sat on the fence. She always saw both sides. It could be dreadfully annoying to Vinnie, especially when she just wanted her friend to take her side. "However..." Em added and Vinnie was quick to let out a groan. "Can you not just side with me on this one thing?" Vinnie huffed and rolled over, making Em chuckle at her friend's dramatics.

"No, and you know why?" Em asked with a smirk on her face, poking her friends side to get her attention again. "Why?" Vinnie grudgily asked Em, looking at her over her shoulder. "Because Callum might have fucked up big time, but he really needs you right now with now the season has being going for him so far." Em said, grabbing the TV remote and beginning to scroll through the channels. "Well, maybe he can confide in Lance since they're friends now." Vinnie huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You know what he's like, he has to have everybody like him." Em told her.

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