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It was race day and Vinnie was banging on the bathroom door, yelling at Lando to hurry up. Lando had been in the bathroom for forty minutes and if he didn't hurry up, he was going to make Vinnie late. "Lando, I will kill you!" Vinnie yelled through the wood of the door, as well as carrying on banging her fist against it.

A few minutes later the door was pulled open and Vinnie had been putting so much of her strength into banging on it, that she went falling forward. Lando was quick to catch her in his arms. "What the fuck are you doing?" Vinnie's teammate asked as he stood her back up. "Me?" Vinnie asked, her eyes winded. "I'm not the one who spend forty minutes in the bathroom." Vinnie told him. "Did you not hear me yelling for you to hurry up?" She added as Lando walked by her. "I did, I just didn't care." He said with a shrug and in that moment, Vinnie was imaging her hands closing around his throat.

Instead of acting on her thoughts through, Vinnie went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She was awful rushed due to the sheer amount of time Lando had taken to get himself ready. It was actually pretty amazing that Vinnie had managed to get down to the hotel lobby in time to meet Rory. "Lando?" He was quick to ask when he saw the annoyed look face on her face. "Is it ever anything else?" Vinnie remarked with a sigh as they walked out of the hotel and to their rental car.

"Is he really that bad?" Rory asked as he pulled the passenger door open. "Yeah, take whatever you're thinking and multiple it by a thousand." Vinnie told him as she ducked into the car. "I'm sure you annoy him too." Rory said and Vinnie pulled out of the hotel carpark. "Are you kidding?" Vinnie asked. "I'm an angel." She added and Rory was quick to laugh as he handed Vinnie her breakfast shake.

When Vinnie arrived at the track and got out of her, she saw Lance storming over to her. "You need to tell you teammate to stay out of business that does not concern him." He said, getting way too close to her. Vinnie could smell his breath and it was not pretty to say the least. Vinnie had absolutely no idea what Lance was talking about. However, that didn't stop her from making fun of him. "What are you, a Bond villain?" Vinnie asked, genuinely amazed at how fucking stupid the guy was acting. All Lance did was scoff before storming off.

"What the fuck was that about?" Vinnie asked Rory as Vinnie looked around and saw press with cameras. Great, they were going to have a field day with whatever photographs they just got.

"Did you not see what Lando said in an interview on Friday?" Rory asked as they walked to the paddock. "No, I try to stay away from F1 media." Vinnie told him. "Why, what did he say?" She asked and Rory was quick to whip his phone out, showing her the clip.

The video looked like it was after taken after the second practice session on Friday in the media pen. The interviewers were only really supposed to ask about the practice session during the interviewing, but this particular interviewer had asked Lando what he though what he thought about a comment Lance had made about Vinnie in a press conference on the pervious day. Vinnie only knew about what Lance had said because she had been getting asked about it too.

Vinnie had no idea what Lance had against her, but he could just not keep her name out of his mouth. To Vinnie' surprise, Lando had came to her defence. "And now all of Lando's fans are harassing Lance on social media." Rory told her as he put his phone back in his pocket. "I wouldn't be surprised if that's why Lance crashed into him in third practice." He added, catching Vinnie's attention. "You really think so?" She was quick to ask and all Rory did was nod. If what Rory was implying was true, then Vinnie was really pissed off. The crash was really bad, Lando could have gotten seriously injured.

Vinnie waited in her drivers room until she heard Lando arrive, then she jumped out just as he was opening his door. "Jesus!" He exclaimed, not expecting Vinnie to appear. "No, just me." Vinnie said with a Lando looked very unimpressed with her dad joke.
"What is it?" Lando asked Vinnie as he walked into his room, leaving his door open so that she could follow.

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