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It was now the media day of the Miami Grand Prix and Vinnie had just landed. Luckily, she didn't have to take a jet with Lando this time. Vinnie was taken to the paddock as soon as she landed because she had a jam-packed day a head of her.

Vinnie was once again, on the line-up for a press conference. Vinnie really wondered why she kept being made to do them, it wasn't like they ever went well for anyone involved.

Josh could tell as soon as Vinnie walked into the McLaren hospitality that she was less than impressed. "I know." Josh sighed, a clipboard in his hands.
"Why am I having to do this again?" Vinnie whined, dragging her feet along the floor as she walked over to him. "I don't know, I did argue against it." Josh told her, swinging his arm around her as he reached her.

"What are you wearing?" Josh questioned, looking down at her outfit. "Just a T-shirt and jeans." Vinnie said, confused at what the problem was.

"Vinnie, you are aware that they are photographers around here?" Josh questioned as he walked her to her drivers's room. "Yeah, how could I miss them?" Vinnie chuckled. "Just go and get changed." Josh rolled his eyes as he sighed, pushing her into her driver's room.

When Vinnie came out after having changed into her McLaren merchandise, pulling on her cap with her drivers number on it, she saw Lando stood talking with one of his press officers. "Where did Josh go?" Vinnie asked the press officer, wondering where he'd got to.

"I saw him get a phone call and he rushed off somewhere to take it." Lando answered Vinnie before the press officer could, gesturing in the direction that Josh went in. Vinnie didn't say anything, she just brushed by him to find Josh.

When she found Josh, he was stood talking to a familiar women with red hair. "Mel!" Vinnie was quick to exclaim, barging by Josh to throw her arms around her manger. "It's nice to see you, Vinnie." Mel chuckled as she enclosed her arms around the young McLaren driver.

"It's been ages since you left me." Vinnie remarked, making Melanie playfully roll her eyes. "I didn't leave you, I was on maternity leave." Melanie chuckled, rubbing Vinnie's back in a soothing circle. "And now is the little attention hog?" Vinnie asked with a chuckle of her own as she pulled away. "Missing his aunt." Melanie told her with a smile.

"You need to bring him to a race, he might just be the good luck arm I need to win." Vinnie said, thinking of the little baby boy that she'd held only a few months ago. "I think he might be a little young for that." Melanie said as she patted Vinnie on the shoulder.
"I don't know, I see a lot of babies in the paddock..." Vinnie trialled off with a smile.

It wasn't long until Vinnie was being pulled away from Melanie by Josh so she would make the press conference in time, not that either of them were looking forward to it. One the way over to the press hall, Josh went over what she say in response to some of the question she might get.

Vinnie could already feel a pit forming in her stomach as she walked into the press hall, not even having the chance to take a seat on the sofa yet. When Vinnie reached the sofa, she took a seat in-between Alex and George, knowing that she'd at least be able to have a bit of chat with them when they weren't being interviewed. "Dreading this?" Alex asked with a toothy grin as she sat down. "I'd be insane if I wasn't." Vinnie remarked, pulling a chuckle from Alex. "Correct." George chimes in.

When the press conference begun, Vinnie was shocking the first driver to be asked a question. Vinnie was normally ignored for a large duration of these things.

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