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It was Friday and Vinnie was in Monaco. "About time."  Alex remarked as Vinnie entered the court. "There was traffic!" Vinnie exclaimed with the roll of her eyes as she made her way over to Alex, Logan and Callum.

Vinnie had received a phone call from Callum this morning, telling her that he needed a fourth person to play paddle with. Vinnie would normally have said no, but she needed something to take her mind off of Lando. Vinnie hadn't seen her teammate since they landed in Monaco, and yet he was all she could think about. Well, him and Arthur. She'd also been thinking a lot about Arthur, not quite as much though.

"You live around the corner, are you telling me you didn't walk here?" Logan asked with a chuckle, a smirk on his face. "Okay, so maybe my alarm didn't go off..." Vinnie admitted as she put her stuff down at the edge of the court before walking over to join Callum's side.

"So you snoozed it?" Alex questioned as he pointed his racket at her, chuckling. "What is it this, an interrogation?" Vinnie threw her arms up as she looked around at the boys. "Let's just play." Callum said with a smirk, trying to settle everybody down.

After a few rounds of Callum, Vinnie was fed up with Callum as a partner. "Right, that's it." Vinnie announced, throwing her arms up so they'd all pay attention to her. "We're swapping. Logan, you're with me." Vinnie said, gesturing for Callum and Logan to swap.

"You're cutting me?" Callum asked, gasping at Vinnie.
"Babes, you're terrible..." Vinnie told him, placing a hand on his shoulder in comfort. "So you're ditching me with him?" Alex complained, shaking his head to note his displeasure. "Should I just go home?" Callum threw his arms up in question, tired of being made fun of. "There would certainly be less incidents." Logan said, pulling giggles from Vinnie and Alex.

It was then that Callum stormed off, throwing his racket to the ground. "Such a drama queen." Alex remarked and Vinnie was ashamed that she'd laughed.
"Cal, wait!" Vinnie said, chasing after the Scots man.
Out of the corner of her eye as she ran out of the court, she saw Alex and Logan begin a round of their own.

"Cal, cheer up. It's all jokes." Vinnie said as she finally reached him, grabbing a hold of his shoulder. Vinnie didn't realise how upset he was until he turned around, his face was really tripping him. "Are you okay?" Vinnie was quick to ask, her brows furrowing.

It took him a minute to respond, it seemed like he hesitating. "I might getting cut from redbull." Callum admitted, not being able to lift his eyes from the ground as he told her. "What?" Vinnie asked, genuinely surprised at what he was telling her.

"Yeah, they say I've been underperforming and if I can keep it up..." He trialled off, letting her fill in the blanks. "But you came second in the sprint race?" She questioned, still confused by what she was hearing.
All Callum did was shrug and Vinnie could see how he was close to tears. Vinnie was quick to pull him in for hug, throwing her arms around his shoulders.

It made sense to Vinnie that there was a reason behind Callum's outburst. It wasn't like him to just blow up like that. "Are you guys coming back?" Logan called from the court, raising his voice so he'd be heard.

"What do you say?" Vinnie asked Callum as she pulled away from him, an apologetic smile on her face. "Uh, I'm just going to go home." Callum told her, pointing his thumb to his car behind him.

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Vinnie said as he unlocked his car and climbed in. Vinnie watched as he drove off, feeling sorry for him. Vinnie knew how harsh Formula One could be, but she'd always hoped her and her friends wouldn't see that side of it.

After Callum had left, Vinnie decided to just go home. Vinnie was not dealing with the Williams drivers by herself. When Vinnie got home, she decided to go out and pick up some groceries. Vinnie had nothing else to do, and she really want to take out her Porsche because she hadn't in a while.

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