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It was Friday and Vinnie had just got out of the cockpit of her car after having to cut her practice session short. Last night Vinnie slept on the sofa, wanting to be as far away from Lando as possible. However, now she was dealing with immense back pain. Vinnie was able to power through it for the whole of the first practice session, but the pain was just getting to much during the second one.

After doing some interviews about the second practice session, Vinnie left the track with Rory who drove her to a get a massage at a Spa that he'd booked her into. Luckily, I did help ease some of the pain she was feeling in her back. After leaving the Spa, her and Rory went to get dinner at a sushi place. It was Vinnie's idea, she was avoiding having to go back to the hotel since it meant having to spend time with Lando.

Vinnie was really trying to get along with him, but he was just such horrible company. He was annoying, rude loud and messy. There was only some much of him she could take and she was learning that it was very little. Last night before bed, she found herself locking herself in the bathroom just to get away from him for some peace and quite. Vinnie was actually worried that she was going to end up killing him before the summer break, Zak would be so mad at her if she killed his golden boy.

After a while though, Vinnie couldn't stall going back to the hotel for any longer. So now she stood in-front of their hotel room door, taking a deep breath before unlocking it with her keycard. When she walked in she found Lando on the bed, eating and watching YouTube on his laptop. When he noticed her presence, he gestured to a carrier bag on one of the bedside tables. "I didn't know if you'd have eaten or not." Lando told her before bringing his attention back to the screen of her laptop. When Vinnie walked over and looked in the bag, her face softened at the sight of a dish he'd seen her eat in the McLaren hospitality before. "Thank you." Vinnie told him with a genuine smile, not that he looked up from his laptop to see it.

When it was time to get ready for bed, Lando went into the bathroom before Vinnie. After what felt like forever, he finally came out of the bathroom. "And you were having a go at me the other night for taking too long." Vinnie remarked as she pushed by him, shutting the bathroom door in his face before he could say anything back. Once she was ready for bed, she walked out of the bathroom and over to the sofa. "What are you doing?" Lando asked from the bed as Vinnie laid down on the sofa, pulling a blanket over her. "Going to sleep, what does it look like?" Vinnie asked, rolling her eyes at his stupid question.

"You're not sleeping on the sofa." Lando said and Vinnie was quick to roll her eyes again. It didn't matter to her that Lando couldn't see her doing it, she found it therapeutic. "Yes, I am." Vinnie said, not understanding why they were even having this conversation. "Vicenza, your back..." Lando told her and Vinnie presumed that someone from the McLaren team had told him. "I'll be fine." Vinnie said, trying to end the conversation so she could go to sleep.

"You are so stubborn." Lando huffed. Vinnie heard the sound of the bed shifting and before she knew it, Lando was stood at the end of the sofa. "What are you doing?" Vinnie asked him, sitting up and using her elbows to lean on. "I'll sleep on the sofa, you sleep in the bed." He told Vinnie in a definitive tone, like he wanted no argument to be made. However, that didn't stop Vinnie. "No." Vinnie told him, lying back down with the hope that he'd just go back to bed.

As she closed her eyes, she heard Lando let out a sigh. "What the fuck are you doing?" Vinnie asked as she felt Lando pick her up from the sofa, her eyes snapping open and her voice raising a few decimals higher than normal. "You're sleeping in the bed." Lando told her as he walked across the room, while Vinnie tried her hardest to not think about how he was pressing her against his bare skin. Vinnie had to admit that he was attractive guy, but his personality was enough to make her loose all attraction to him. Which was just as-well or the position he had her held in would be a bit too sexual for her to ignore.

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