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The evening meeting that Sunday after the race in Japan was a long one. To say that Vinnie was in trouble was an understatement, she was ripped apart in that meeting and all Vinnie could do was sit there and take it. What good could come from arguing back?

Lando didn't say a word the whole meeting. He hadn't said a word to Vinnie since the race. Vinnie had spend hours with him because of the cool-down room, media pen, the press conference and now this meeting and he had not said a word to her yet. It was impressive to Vinnie, usually when he was mad he still talked even if what he said was rude. It was a little freighting to her for him to be this quite. Was he really that mad? Vinnie and Lando's relationship was already rocky, she'd hoped she hadn't made it even worse.

As much as racing was the only part of Formula One she cared about, she didn't want make any of the other parts way more painful than they had to be. As soon as they were let out of the meeting, Vinnie was quick to follow after Lando. However, he was able to loose her.
All she wanted to do was talk to him, try and lighten things up a bit.

Vinnie hoped that she'd find him back at their room, but she didn't. When she got to their room, she found it empty. After she'd been there for an hour, she guessed he must've have been out somewhere. It was then that Vinnie's phone buzzed, it was Callum.

Me and Arthur are down in the hotel bar if you want to join?

You if know that if there's alcohol, I'll be there

Funny, that's what Arthur said

Vinnie was quick to get changed and clean herself up, making herself look far more presentable, and then headed down to the hotel bar. It didn't take her long to spot the boys in the bar, they were already a little drunk and being a bit loud. "Hello, you two..." Vinnie said as she came up behind them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Hi, Bella!" Arthur exclaimed, jumping up from his stool and throwing his arms around there. "How much have you had to drink?" Vinnie asked with a chuckle as they pulled away from each-other. "A few." Arthur told her with a smirk, sitting back down on his stool.

"There's our P2 finisher." Callum said, tapping her on her nose. "God, you're pissed." Vinnie chuckled, looking at the boy in-front of her. "Why did I only just get an invite now?" She asked, almost a little offended as she looked between the boys.

"You didn't." Arthur told her as he signalled to the bar-man to bring him another drink. "You just took ages to get yourself ready." Callum added, moving to the stool beside him so Vinnie could sit in-between him and Arthur. "Did you want me to come down looking a mess?" Vinnie asked them as she took a seat and put her bag on the counter of the bar. "You never look a mess, mon amour." Arthur told her, brushing some hair behind her ear.

Callum was quick to roll his eyes and make a noise of disgust. "Get a room." He said, making Vinnie chuckle. "If only she didn't need to spend the night with her teammate..." Arthur remarked, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Can you keep your voice down? It sounds bad without the whole backstory." Vinnie said, looking around at the people that were sitting by them. "It's bad even with the backstory, you have to sleep in the same bed as him..." Arthur told her, sounding a little annoyed. "Yeah, but we keep far away from each-other." Vinnie said and she watched as Arthur raised his brows like he didn't believe her. "Sure." He said, bringing his lips to his glass.

"You don't believe me?" Vinnie asked, tilting her head at him. "Would you believe you when you're the queen of casual sex?" He asked and Vinnie was really tempted to throw his drink is his face. Callum erupted in laughter, making Vinnie send him a look to shut him up. "Sorry, it's just 'queen of casual sex' is funny." He told her and Vinnie was quick to roll her eyes before turning back to Arthur.

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