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It was the weekend after Japan and Vinnie was back in Monaco. It was Saturday and Vinnie was with Callum and Em at Charles' house. Charles was away for the weekend with his girlfriend, so he was letting them use his house to throw Callum a birthday party. The redbull driver had just turned twenty-two that Saturday and wanted to throw a party that night.

"When is Ollie getting here?" Vinnie asked, stood on a ladder as she tried and failed to hang up some decorations. "He's tall." She added, letting her arms drop as she gave up trying to reach the ceiling. "And I'm not?" Callum asked from where he was sat on the floor, blowing up some inflatables for the pool.
Vinnie already had her eye on a shark one. "Uh, no?" Em chuckled, answering for Vinnie as she came in from the patio after having put some directions up out there.

When talking about what kind of party to throw, they couldn't decide between a house or pool party so they'd decided to just do both. It's why they'd asked Charles to burrow his house because his mansion was big enough to have a indoor party, as well as having a pool and garden that could be used too. If Vinnie was being honest, they probably would have been able to throw the party in her apartment complex but she really didn't want to have to deal with all the mess that it would made.

Callum rolled his eyes, used to being made fun of by Vinnie and Em. "I think he said he'd be over in around thirty-minutes." He told Vinnie, checking the time on his phone. "Then he can do this when he gets here." Vinnie asked, dropping the decorations she had in her hands and beginning to climb down the ladder. "I'm sure he'll be delighted about that." Callum remarked and Vinnie was quick to kick one of his legs.

A few hours later and the place was finally coming together. The decorations were up. The inflatables were blown up and in the pool. The garden had been lit up with fairy lights. The DJ booth had even been set up. "When's Arthur getting here with the cake?" Ollie asked, climbing down from the ladder that Vinnie had forced him up all afternoon. "I don't know, I asked him to get the alcohol too so he probably won't be here for a while." Callum told him and Ollie let out a sigh, making Vinnie chuckle. "Aw, do you miss your boyfriend?" The curly haired brunette teased the Ferrari Academy driver.

"I don't think you're in any position to be making that joke." Ollie was quick to tease back and let out a chuckle. "He's got you there." The redbull driver chuckled, making Vinnie roll her eyes. "Although, have you two kissed and made up yet?" Callum asked and Ollie answered before she could. "Yeah, Arthur told me they did." He said, looking past Vinnie to Callum.
"Can you both shut up, Em is just outside." Vinnie told them with a certain amount of sternness in her voice. "No please?" Ollie joked with a smirk. "I'm serious, if she ears..." Vinnie trialed off, letting the boys fill the blanks for themselves.

"Fine." Ollie groaned, sitting down beside Vinnie on the sofa her and Callum were sprawled out on. "I can't believe she's the only one doesn't know about you and him." He added and Vinnie let out a groan of her own, thinking they were going to drop the topic. "There's nothing to really know. It's not like they're in a relationship or anything." Callum said, fidgeting with his fingers. Ollie and Callum shared a look, but it was so quick that Vinnie missed it. "Yeah, it's just sex." The McLaren driver said, making Callum let out a sound of disgust that Vinnie couldn't help but chuckle at.

"What's just sex?" Em asked as she walked in from outside, making them all jump. "Nothing." Vinnie was quick to tell her, bouncing up from the sofa. "Okay..." Em let out, her voice indicating that she was skeptical. "I need help building the chairs, I think I've already broke." The monegasque added, pointing her thumb in the direction of the garden.

"I'll help." Vinnie said as she grabbed a hold of em and pulled her with her to the garden, not wanting Em to be around the boys for any longer to ensure that one of them didn't slip and tell her about what they just taking about.

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