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Vinnie woke up in a hotel room that was not hers, she could tell from the lack of mess. It didn't take her long to realise she was resting her head on somebody's bare chest and when she looked up, she saw Arthur's face. He was still sleeping. He was not a morning person. However, Vinnie was glad her natural body clock had woken her up because she had to be down in the gym for a session with Rory this morning before heading to the track for free practice.

Vinnie moved herself out of his arms, careful not to wake the sleeping boy. She was quick to get dressed and gather her stuff, placing a quick kiss on Arthur's forehead before leaving his hotel room. As soon as Vinnie got back to her own hotel room, she changed into some gym clothes and headed down to the gym. It was in the basement of the hotel for some reason. It creeped Vinnie about a bit, made her feel like she was in a bunker. There was no windows.

Despite Vinnie being a few minutes early for her gym session, Rory was already there and waiting for her. "I forget you're a morning person." Vinnie said as she came up behind him, trying her hair up. "I believe people should get up when the birds do." Rory told Vinnie and she scoffed. "I'm surprised I'm even awake right now." She chuckled, as did Rory. "Admittedly, I am too." He said as he handed Vinnie a dumbbell, wasting no time.

By the time Vinnie was done in the gym, she felt done for the day. It was only the beginning of her day and yet she was already exhausted. Luckily when she arrived that the track she had nothing to do for while, so she just went and took a nap in her driver's room. Vinnie managed to get a hour and a half of shut eye. She would have gotten longer if it wasn't for Lando waking her up with the blasting of his music. He always listened to music in the hours leading up to getting in the car. Said it helped him 'get into the right mind set'. It was the most annoying thing ever. Vinnie wasn't really a music person, it wasn't something that she grabbed her attention. She never found herself able to listen to it and not get bored. It did make good background noise for when she was fixing up cars at her place back in Monaco though. She had a old radio in her garage that she'd put on, just so she wasn't working in silence.

Vinnie had kicked her foot again his wall a few times, trying to get him to turn the music down but it didn't work. In fact, it only got louder. She was seriously considering going into his room and murdering him when a knock sounded at her door and she was told it was time for her to get ready to go into the car.

She was quick to bounce up and get changed. Vinnie was tying the arms of her suit around her waist as she made her way out of her room. Vinnie sighed as she caught sight of Lando also coming out of his room. They must have fetched him at the same time they did her. When he noticed her, he didn't seem very impressed either. Vinnie was sure she even saw him do a slight roll of his eyes. They had to choice but to walk to garage together. Thank God it wasn't a long walk because Vinnie was finding the tension between them unbearable.

Soon Vinnie was sliding into the cock-pit of her car. There was only ever one time that Vinnie felt truly at peace with the world and that was when she was behind the wheel of her car. She couldn't believe it was now an F1 car she got to call her own. It was like she was living a dream. However, she wasn't going to get too got up in all the excitement of it. Vinnie had a lot to prove today. It maybe only be a free practice session, but it was also the first time people were really looking at her and judging her. Vinnie wanted more than anything to prove to them she earned her place her. Especially since the media had decided to spin Vinnie's outburst about Lance as being defensive, so now everyone thought she was only in F1 because of her father and brother. It was ridiculous. Anyone who knew Vinnie knew they weren't even really in her life.

At the end of the first free practice, Vinnie was ecstatic
when she found out she had placed in third. However, she was a little less ecstatic when her race engineer told her that Max had placed in first and Lando in second. Vinnie had been beat by the two people she hated, fabulous. Even if it didn't really count, it was still really annoying. Vinnie chose to take it as motivation rather than anything else though.

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