Chapter Two- The Walk

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"And finally Sandy will be paired with Nita." Ms. Rosa, the biology teacher said, "Now, did I miss anyone??" 

Leon raised his hand and shyly mumbled, "Yeah, I need a partne-"

"Nobody? Perfect. So first of all, what we are doing today will---" 

Leon dropped his hand as Ms. Rosa continued talking, but now he was no longer listening to what she was saying. He knew he could skip class without anyone noticing, but his stepfather-although not quite believing in public schools and what they taught the kids- wanted him to get good grades so Leon could be successful in whatever he wanted to pursue.

What made Leon even more sad was that not even Nita noticed his partner-less self. And she usually did. Right now, she was currently laughing at Sandy after he somehow managed to be perched on top of Bruce's head, clearly scared out of his mind, but trying not to let it show.

Leon approved of Sandy. It was pretty obvious Sandy had a crush on Nita, and he was such a nice guy. He was someone Leon thought would make a good friend, but they ran around in different circles (not literal circles) and it wasn't like they had anything in common anyway, Sandy and him.

But back to the skipping school thing. He had- once- tried it, but of course that day something crucial was being taught and Leon flunked the quiz they had about it the next day. He knew Bo was sad and slightly concerned for him. Bo had a slim idea about what was going on, but he believed that it would turn out well for Leon. And he knew better than to meddle in his step-son's life.

The rest of the school day shot by in a flash. Leon was grabbing the latest reading assignment from his locker when he felt someone's presence beside him. He sighed, "Hey Nita."

"Um, Leon, I-I sorry. I not notice you alone at Biology. You want to work with me and Sand?" The girl asked with pleading eyes, hoping her brother would forgive her. "I understand, Nita, but I work better alone anyway."

The two started their walk home; the Rumble Jungle. Not enjoying the silence, Leon spoke up, "So, what do ya think about Sandy?"

"He... confusing. Why fall asleep so much? He very nice but he always is mad at me."

'Huh?' Leon thought, he'd never seen Sandy act mad before."Mad? Why do you say that?"

"Every time he talk to me he turn red. Red is angry. Sand turn red whenever I around. So Sand is mad at me."

Leon laughed, of course Nita would take Sandy's blushing in the wrong way. "Trust me Nita, he is not mad at you." "I not understand." Nita growled. 

"You will someday little sis. Actually, why don't you ask him about it?"

"I did. He just get red and run away." She was very frustrated, which made Leon laugh harder. It was funny just how clueless she was about this kind of stuff. He imagined her confronting Sandy asking why he was mad. Now, he was guffawing so hard he was crying. 

Irritated, Nita told Bruce to scoop Leon up and carry him the rest of the way home.

"Ahhh!" Leon yelled, taken by surprise, "Nita! Tell Bruce to stop doing that!"

The little girl smirked instead.

(At The Rumble Jungle)

"Ahhh, my children!" Bo exclaimed happily upon seeing Nita and Leon. Technically, Bo was their step-dad, but it didn't matter to them. To them, he was even better than any biological dad, and he might as well be, considering the fact that he had raised the children for most of their life.

"Hey dad," the two of them replied. "Did you know," Leon said, "Someone at school has a crush on Nita?"

"Who is this boy?" Bo asked strictly, with a hint of giddiness that Leon -somehow- detected. Their step-dad acted stern, but he really was a happy, more relaxed parent who was always interested in his step-kids lives.

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