Chapter Fourteen- Meant to Be

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(Following Jessie)

Jessie had hoped that the whole thing at the library meant Leon and Jessie were friends again. And it did. 

James was leaving her alone (finally). What caused this sudden change in behavior? She had no idea. Maybe the fight between him and Leon knocked his loose screws back into place. At breakfast, he had told them that after the school season ended, he was going to head back to his home town. 

Jessie still couldn't believe that the school year was flying by so fast. It had been a few weeks since the fight at the library. James was definitely more friendly, but as in a way as one would wave politely to their science partner at school. Did she mention Leon and her were friends again?

She hadn't realized how much she missed him before. After explaining everything to him one day, he forgave her.

"I could never stay mad at you for long." He had said jokingly, but Jessie swore a hint of seriousness had outlined his voice.

More often as the days passed, Jessie dreamed of confessing to Leon, and him liking her back. But to be honest, she was scared of rejection. Aren't we all? 

Someone once said, 'If you're nervous, that means you care.' Ya think?

Every day she learned more about him, his kindness, and he kept showing her random hobbies that he loved and; 'did before his mom died.'

Yeah, they had that conversation. Leon told Jessie about his mom dying in a house fire when he was only eleven. He was broken, but Jessie had began to fix him. 

She wanted to kiss him right then and there.

Leon was more than just some cute boy who happened to be skilled at the most random things, but the most thoughtful, sweet, and caring guy she had ever met.

Their popularity status didn't change much, but they were happy to make new friends in some of the extra-curricular classes they joined during the last semester of school.

It was currently the last day of school, and Jessie was in her mechanics club, clearing all her stuff. Nostalgia hit hard. She was forever grateful that Leon convinced her to join this club. After packing her last upgrade idea for Scrappy away, she bid the room farewell and began to shove the contents of her locker in her already-overflowing bag.

She aggressively punched the stuff down in her backpack to make room for more.

"Don't worry, it's probably dead now."

She turned to see Leon grinning behind her. 

Sending him a playful glare, she said, "When did I get so much stuff? I seriously underestimated the amount of work I still had hidden away in my locker."

Stuffing some of her stuff in his own backpack, and holding the rest in one hand, he grabbed her hand with his free one, and led her outside where other students were ambling about, enjoying the nice weather.

A few feet away, Nita was frowning at Sandy, "But I not see you every day."

Sandy laughed and gently hugged his girlfriend, "I promise to write, call, or come over every day, Tara and Gene have been working on this new system I want to show you, it really is-"

Nita shut Sandy up with a kiss.

Leon quickly turned away. 

"Still can't stand to watch your sister kiss someone?" Jessie teased.

"Nope, Nuh-uh." Leon said with the shake of his head.

"Next thing you know, you'll have a no-kiss policy in front of you for them whenever they come over."

Leon looked at her, surprised. "How did you know about that?"

 Jessie just laughed, and soon Leon joined in.

"Alright, now what I've been wanting to show you." He said cryptically, leading her along by their intertwined hands. 

Leading her on the usual path home, he made a few different turns before Jessie realized where they were going. And, as always, she was correct.

It was their special place, the waterfall. 

Something different about it, however, were the heart-shaped flower petals in the water and trees. Dropping Leon's hand, she went over to pick up a beautiful pink petal. "Wow." She murmured. 

Leon cleared his throat behind her.

She turned to see him dressed in a nice outfit, fiddling with his hands. The sun was perfectly outlining him, making him look like he was glowing. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. She saw the nervousness leave him, and he slowly walked towards her, saying, 

"Jessie, you are the most wonderful girl I have ever met. You helped me discover things I didn't know, about myself and the world around me. You listened to me go on about my shattered family, and hard-goings, and you were beside me the entire time. And, I know we haven't even known each other for six months, but I feel like we are- we are-"

"Made to be." Jessie finished for him, stepping close to him, and resting her forehead upon his. Foreheads pressed together, hands clasped, and breaths mingling, Leon said, 

"And- I-I think I love you, Jessie."

"I love you too, Leon."

And they kissed passionately under the clear, evening sky.

At last, it was the two of them, together, as it was always meant to be.

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