Chapter Six- Like a Curse

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How does Leon feel about Jessie, you ask?

He has no idea.

Honestly, it was all very confusing. He thought nobody would even notice him, let alone him share his special spot with them. Most of the time, he was thinking, 'Are we... friends now?' That would be new. An actual friend. He only ever had one friend, but they moved out of town four years ago. That's when he really started being invisible.


"Ack!" Leon yelled, turning around to see Jessie coming towards him. It was very odd to hear someone other than Nita say his name at school. 

Upon catching up with him, she said, "I think I've solved it!" She wore a triumphant look and her hair was sticking up in a few places. Hit by an impulse, Leon reached out to brush a strand of red hair behind her ear. 'She's so pretty.'

Stopping dead in her tracks, Jessie stared at him.

'Oh crap! I didn't ask if I could do that, she doesn't want me touching her' He looked at her and before he could follow through, he immediately dropped his hand and said, "Sorry! Oh my gosh I'm sorry. I thought- I didn't mean- can we just forget-"

Jessie caught his hand. "It's okay. Thanks." Blushing, she dropped his hand and stammered, "Well, we-we better get to class, right?"

"O-oh yeah. Yeah, duh, class. Sure."

At lunch, Jessie sat with him again.

'Wait, wasn't she saying something before I tried to tuck her hair back?'

"What were you saying before?" He asked.


"Before I um-" Leon flushed deep maroon, "-tried to..."

Her eyes lit up, "Oh yeah! Take a look."

She set her backpack on her lap and pulled out a whole, freaking, computer. "How did you- Nevermind." He cut off as she whipped out a state-of-the-art mouse and plugged it all into an outlet in the wall that Leon didn't know existed. So that's why she always carried her books instead of having them in her backpack, they wouldn't fit. Pushing the food aside, she set it on the table and opened it, spinning it to face Leon. 

"This," Jessie said, leaning over the table to point at the screen, which had a long list of names, "Is the list of all the students at school." She scrolled through the list, then turning it to face her, she asked, "What's your full name?"

"Leon Akecheta?" He replied, not knowing what was going on.

She smirked, "You're not sure?"

He went a little red, "I-i well, I meant-"

Jessie just laughed.

Leon saw the way her face seemed to brighten ten fold when she laughed, her smile came out and her eyes crinkled, his heart fluttered.

'Woah. What was that? Why did my heart do that??'

"Leon... Akecheta." She said slowly as she typed quickly. 

He paid attention to the way she bit her lip and furrowed her brow slightly as her fingers worked fast. 'Why am I paying so much attention to her?' Feelings are confusing.

"Ah ha!" She exclaimed triumphantly, spinning the computer back around. "You, my friend, are not in the database."


"That means, the school doesn't have your name, so, most likely, they missed you when you first arrived, and they forgot to add you when the mistake was corrected. So, we can assume that they just print out all the names then organize them into class when making the list for head check or whatever."

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