Chapter Twelve- What a Mess

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(Still following Jessie)

"W-what?" Jessie stuttered in fear, taking a step back.

James, whose smile disappeared immediately as he realized his mistake, said, "I didn't mean it like that- You used to love those cheesy sayings, I was just quoting one." He chuckled, "Not like I'm some psychopath or something."

Yeah, she did use to like it when he said cheesy stuff, but this time it felt different... more, serious- intense. 

"Really, Jess. I'm not insane. Just in love with the shape of you."

Back when they were dating, he would quote Ed Sheeran songs because of Jessie's hair. At first it was funny, but then it got kinda annoying. She glared at him.

His demeanor turned into one of a sad puppy. "I can see when I'm unwanted. I'll see you around babe."

He said it so easily that she almost missed the casually thrown 'babe' in it. She watched him walk away. "I'm not your babe anymore." She called out to him lamely. He was either too far away or just ignored it because he showed no reaction as he left the gym.

She was emotionless. 

Maybe it wasn't emotionless, but filled up with so many emotions she didn't know what to say, or do, or think. How could James manipulate her so easily? Make her feel afraid of him, then make her feel guilty for making him sad? He knew how to play her, and play her he did.

She was standing in place, staring at the last place she saw him walk out. 'Him.' Who was she thinking of? James? Or Leon?


Oh my gosh, Leon.

She had messed up so bad.

Well, it wasn't like they were dating and then James came, maybe Leon didn't really like her like that anyway. Did she lead him on? She and James were supposed to be broke up... did she not handle it well? She couldn't think right. But she did know that she needed to apologize to Leon.

Jessie took a step forward, then stopped. 

She didn't have to track him down now... she'll see him on Sunday for their tutoring session anyway, give herself some time to think it all through.

She was sure she was doing the right thing. But why did she feel this nagging sensation? It was all so wrong.

She texted her mom to pick her up, and waited on the steps outside for her.

Hearing soft voices, she turned to see Nita and Sandy exit the building. Nita, who was gazing at Sandy, dropped her gaze and looked directly at Jessie. "Jess?" Said Nita, coming to stand by her, "What you doing? Where Leon?"

"Hey Nita. I'm waiting for my mom. Leon, um..." Jessie looked at Sandy, "Oh, hi Sandy."

"Hey." He replied with a slight frown.




"How did you and Sandy start dating?"

"Sand asked me out, and I real like him."

Jessie nodded, deciding to get straight to the point, "But, like, how did you know that you liked him more than a friend?"

Nita scrunched up her face as she thought about how to explain it. After a while, her face lit up triumphantly, "It like how you feel about Leon, or how Leon feel about you."

Hearing a grunt, Jessie saw Bruce, and bid Nita farewell. With a kiss from Sandy, Nita jumped onto Bruce and they padded away.

'How I feel about Leon-'

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