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gay sex in this chapter aight hoes

also, there is a HUGE daddy kink in this !

so just a warning. also, blame na-na-na-nana and shelby1832 if you're uncomfortable.

"Hey, babe," Patrick says as he scrolls through Instagram on his phone. Pete plucks the phone out of his hands and tosses it onto his nightstand. He crawls up Patrick's legs and straddles his waist.

"I want you," He whispers, looking straight into Patrick's eyes. Patrick gulps, his eyes widening in shock. His hands move until they're resting on Pete's ass. He squeezes it lightly.

"You're sure?" Patrick asks. He had not pressured Pete into anything for the two months they'd been dating. Now it's graduation night (two hours until, actually), and Pete wants Patrick to fuck him.

"Positive," Pete nods. Patrick wastes no time, kissing Pete roughly. He bites Pete's bottom lip hard, and Pete moans loudly.

"Knew you'd be into that shit," Patrick laughs. He grabs the hem of Pete's t-shirt, pulling it over his head in one swift movement before he's back at Pete's lips. "Don't have anymore lube," Patrick says against his lips.

"I don't care," Pete says back, confidently. He's never been fucked before with lube. He can't imagine what sex is going to feel like without lube.

They kiss for a few seconds until one of Patrick's hands grazes Pete's nipple. The latter moans into Patrick's mouth, making him smirk. He moves down Pete's body and flicks his tongue over the same nipple.

"Fucking tease," Pete says, breathless. Patrick continues to move down until he reaches Pete's bartskull tattoo. He kisses it once. Pete's hands fly to Patrick's hair as he pulls as hard as he can.

Patrick moans at the pain, moving back up to kiss Pete again. His hands reach for Pete's belt, taking it off and letting it hit the ground with a nice thud. Patrick pops the button, pulling the jeans down with his boxers.

Pete lies naked on Patrick's bed. It's all Patrick's wanted for as long as he can remember. Patrick moves three of his fingers to Pete's mouth, commanding, "Suck," and Pete obliges.

Patrick's hand is barely jacking Pete off as Pete continues to suck on Patrick's fingers. Pete moans around them when Patrick leans down and licks the head of Pete's cock. Patrick begins fucking Pete's mouth with his fingers, moving them in and out slowly.

"Fuck me, please," Pete croaks out. Patrick instantly removes his spit soaker fingers out of Pete's mouth.

"Unbutton my shirt," He demands, and Pete doesn't have to be told twice. Pete unbuttons all of the buttons with shaky fingers before said fingers unbutton Patrick's pants, pulling them and his boxers off.

"You're so fucking beautiful," Pete says. Patrick smirks against Pete's hip, which is where his head lies. He opens Pete's legs and moves them to where his calves are pressed against the back of his thighs, exposing Pete's hole.

Patrick takes one of his spit-slick fingers and pushes it in, watching as Pete face scrunches up. Patrick tips his chin up and lets their lips meet as he moves his fingers in and out of Pete.

"It'll get better, baby, promise," Patrick says. Soon, Pete is moaning in his mouth again. He adds another with no hesitation. It doesn't take Pete as long to loosen up to two fingers as it did to the first. Patrick's soon pushing three of his fingers in Pete.

After about ten times his fingers push into Pete's hole, Pete is rocking his hips back to meet Patrick's thrusts. He whimpers at the loss of Patrick's fingers when he pulls them out.

"Shh, baby," Patrick coos as he spits into his hand and begins rubbing it up and down his dick. "Be good for me, baby. You wanna be good for daddy, don't you?"

"I wanna be so good for you, daddy," Pete moans before he thinks about it. Patrick rests his cock against Pete's hole, barely pushing in.

It burns, Pete thinks, but it also feels fucking good. He closes his eyes and breathes slowly, trying not to clench as Patrick goes in.

Once Patrick is balls deep, he gives Pete a good minute to adjust. "You ready, baby? Just let daddy know if it hurts,"

"I'm ready, daddy," Pete moans more than says. Patrick pulls out, only leaving the tip of his cock in Pete's ass, before he snaps forward, making Pete cry out in both pain and pleasure.

"It's alright, baby. You're bein' so fuckin' good for daddy," Patrick groans. He thrusts again before changing his angle. When he hits Pete's prostate, the older boy moans loudly. "You like that, baby? You like when daddy fucks you hard?" Pete's eyes shut tight when Patrick asks the questions as he pants.

Patrick doesn't know where this whole daddy kink thing is coming from. He's never had a daddy kink before. But it's just something about the way Pete moans, "Daddy," as he comes (untouched, may Patrick add) that makes his kinkier side come out.

Patrick lies back on the bed, bringing Pete with him as he helps Pete lift up and then sink back down onto his cock. He's so close. Pete lifts and sinks back onto Patrick once more before Patrick comes inside Pete in hot spurts.

"You were so good for daddy, baby," Patrick coos as he pulls out of Pete. He grabs the shirt he was wearing previously, wiping Pete's come off of his and Pete's chests. "Baby, you got graduation in 'bout an hour," Patrick reminds him.

Pete groans but stands up in full nakedness and gets his boxers on before rummaging through Patrick's closet for a too tight hoodie and a pair of shorts.

"I'm going to go home, but I'll be back around thirty to pick you up, you cute fucker," Pete says quickly before walking out of Patrick's room, leaving Patrick a blushing mess.

Twenty seven minutes later, Pete knocks on Patrick's door. The boy opens it, pulling on a leather jacket that Pete didn't know existed.

"Look at my gorgeous valedictorian," Patrick says, pecking Pete's cheek as he takes Pete's keys. He rushes around to the passenger side and opens the door for the graduate before racing back to his own side.

"Are you being nice because you got laid?" Pete wonders aloud, a smirk on his face. Patrick turns bright red as he thinks about the way Pete was laid out in front of him not an hour before, a moaning, begging mess.

"Fuck off," Patrick says jokingly. He grabs Pete's hand, pressing his lips against the knuckles. "You're so beautiful. How did I get so fuckin' lucky?"

Pete takes in the sight of his boyfriend, golden hair coiffed, lip and eyebrow pierced, as he concentrates on the road. He's biting the side of his lip, and Pete wants to protest because, hello, his boyfriend is willing to do that for him.

"I'm the lucky one, damn," Pete says. He leans over and kisses Patrick's cheek. The younger boy glances over at him before his eyes flicker back to the road.

They reach the school, Pete running off as Patrick pulls in, calling out, "Can't be late, babe," Patrick just laughs.

The whole ceremony is boring to Patrick, except when Pete did his speech. It was fucking awesome.

"I present to you, the class of 2016!" The principal says into the microphone before a chorus of 'hell fucking yeah' and 'no more high school' erupts from the students as they throw their caps into the air.

Pete comes rushing off of the stage and jumps into Patrick's arm. "Daddy's so proud of you, baby," Patrick whispers into Pete's ear as he spins them in circles, making Pete shudder in his arms.

okay, so yeah, the epilogue and then this is through. I'm kind of sad.

remember, Jesus watched you read this ;))

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