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fr this is the last update on this until my other story is over (I'll probably update again, honestly)

The second lesson

"Hey, mom, I'm going to Patrick's after school, if that's alright. We have a project, and I haven't hung with him since last weekend," Pete tells his mom. She just nods and smiles.

"Sure, honey. Just text me if you're going to stay the night," She says. He kisses her cheek before rushing out of the door. Ah, the perks of your mom being the mayor. She's always busy and doesn't care when Pete's not home. All she wants him to do is just stay out of the public eye.

He walks down about three houses and crosses the street, coming up to Patrick's driveway. Patrick always drives the two of them to school.

"Hey, Panda," Patrick says as he comes out of the house, backpack on one arm.

"Hey, 'Tricky," Pete says. When they get in the car, Patrick's hand rests on Pete's thigh, Pete's on top of his.

"Missed you," He leans over and kisses Pete quickly before smiling at him and pulling out of he driveway.

"You literally saw me last night," Pete grins. To anyone else, they would look like a couple, but they're not. Their arrangement has just brought them closer.

"What can I say? I'm clingy as fuck," Patrick laughs, pulling into the school parking lot. His hand is removed from Pete's thigh and is joining the other on the wheel as he finds a parking spot.

"See you third period?" Pete asks as they walk in. Patrick nods as they go their seperate ways. Patrick's locker is on the second floor, while Pete's is on the first.

They walk to their lockers, people high-fiving Patrick, and people ignoring Pete. How it normally is. Joe joins Patrick at their lockers, and they walk to Mr. Smith's first period English class together.

"So he was, like, dude, fuck off. And I just laughed and kissed him," Joe is telling Patrick about him and one of Pete's friends, if Patrick heard right. Andy or something.

"Did he fuckin' punch you after or what?" Patrick asks as they finally reach the room.

"Nah, man. He totally kissed me back. We're dating," Joe says proudly. Patrick laughs.

"Fuckin' awesome,"

About twenty minutes into his lesson, Pete gets a text. Normally, he wouldn't check it, but it's probably Patrick. He looks at his phone, his eyes widening at the message.

meet me in the east wing bathroom in five. don't be late. -xx ptrck

Pete groans internally but raises his hand after putting his phone away.

"Mr. Williams, may I use the restroom?" He asks innocently. His teacher smiles at him and nods.

"Sure, Peter, go ahead," And Pete takes the hall pass and runs as fast as he can. East wing is way the fuck across the school.

He's panting by the time he gets there. Patrick locks the main door as soon as he comes in and pushes Pete into one of the stall doors.

"Patrick, why did you get me out of class?" He asks. Patrick just smiles at him before pressing his lips to the latter's.

"Shut up, Peter," He commands. They kiss for a few seconds, Pete remembering to put his hands in Patrick's hair and tug. But he doesn't tug so gently.

He finds out quickly that Patrick seems to like that more than the gentleness he originally taught.

"Lesson two," Patrick says, pulling away for a slight second. "How to give a hickey," When he sees Pete's surprised look on his face, he stops for a second. "I won't make it to where your mom can see it," Patrick promises.

"If she sees it, 'Trick, I'm screwed, and so are you," He says. Patrick just nods before beginning to unbutton Pete's white uniform button down. "What are you doing?" Pete asks.

"Where do you want me to give you a hickey at, Panda? Your fuckin' hair? You don't want your mom to see. Therefore, I gotta give it below your neck," Patrick laughs. Pete rolls his eyes.

"Fucking kiss me," He demands, pulling Patrick in again. Pete loves kissing Patrick. Patrick is a good kisser, and Pete loves that.

Patrick continues to unbutton his shirt as they kiss. When he gets it all the way unbuttoned, he slides it from Pete's shoulders, leaving him shirtless.

"You're so beautiful," Patrick mumbles against Pete's lips. He moves his kisses down a bit until he reaches a spot just above Pete's nipples. He 'accidentally' brushes one to see what Pete will do.

He moans loudly and tries to push Patrick's hand back to his nipple. "Ah, ah, ah," Patrick says. "That's lesson three,"

He goes back to the spot he was previously on, gently sucking a little bit of skin into his mouth. Every so often, he flicks his tongue out and rubs it over the same spot to make sure he's not being too rough.

Pete loves this lesson, too. He thinks it goes pretty well with kissing. Patrick leaves multiple bruises around them before finally pulling away to admire his work.

He's left seven beautiful hickeys on Pete's tan skin. One for every letter of his name. They're big and bold.

Patrick wants Pete to remember this when it's not his hands touching Pete and his mouth all over him the next time.

He grabs Pete's shirt after letting him admire the love bites in the mirror for a few seconds, running his hand over one of them. They sting.

And when Patrick buttons Pete's shirt, his fingers inevitably run over the bruises. He smirks.

He hangs Pete's bow tie around his neck before pulling him in by it for a sweet kiss. He fixes the tie and then runs a hand over Pete's kiss swollen lips.

"You've been gone for right around 'leven minutes. If you hurry, you should get back within the fifteen minute time limit," Patrick tells him, fixing Pete's hair. "Run," Pete does.

Mr. William smiles as Pete hangs the hall pass back up. He keeps his back to his teacher as he makes his way back to the table he and Andy are sharing. Andy sends him a questioning look and points at his lips.

Pete just shrugs. It's no one's business but his and Patrick's.

ah shit this story's gonna be getting sexual as fuck soon.

probably around four or five.

oh well.

remember, Jesus watched you read this.

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