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I recently read the lung fic for the first time. I'm scarred for fucking life. how fucked up do you have to be to write that fucking shit?


The fourth lesson

"Okay, umm," Pete says. They're currently in Patrick's room on his bed, and Patrick is shirtless. Pete remains fully clothed.

"Are we doin' this, or..?" Patrick asks, trailing off. He gestures between the two of them. Pete takes a deep breath and nods.

"Yeah," He says finally. Patrick fights to keep a grin off of his face. Pete, with shaky arms, reaches for the hem of his shirt. But Patrick stops him.

"You don't seem so sure of that decision," Patrick says just as Pete lifts the shirt over his head. "Ya know I'm not forcin' you," Patrick says again, just for good measure.

"I know," Pete says. "I want to know how to do this stuff,"

"Just don't think, alright? As soon as my hand touches your dick, all thoughts are goin' to fly outta your head," Patrick promises.

"I trust you," Pete says. Patrick grins.

"Kiss me," Patrick demands. Pete grabs Patrick's face and pulls him down to where he's straddling him.

"You kiss me," Pete says. Patrick shrugs and dives in, attaching their lips. He kisses Pete rough and dirty, tugging on his bottom lip.

"Just keep your eyes on me, alright?" Patrick says, moving his hands up and down Pete's body. Pete nods, locking his eyes with Patrick's.

Patrick takes his time and sends Pete a reassuring smile as he unbuckles Pete's belt and pulls it from his skinny jeans, letting it hit the floor with a loud thud.

"You ready?" Patrick asks, unbuttoning the button on his jeans. Pete nods, like he's actually ready for this. Patrick knows better, though.

He gets the privilege to be the first one to see Pete like this. To have Pete laid out in front of him. He's going to make this good for Pete.

"I have to ask a personal question before we do this," Patrick says. Pete's jeans are currently unzipped and unbuttoned, and Patrick can see the American Eagle boxers with pizzas on them.

"Shoot," Pete says. It seems as if he's finally relaxed. Maybe this is good.

"Have you ever jerked off?" Patrick asks with no hesitation. Pete scratches the back of his neck and shakes his head. "Never?" Patrick asks in disbelief.

"No," Pete says honestly. Patrick doesn't know why the hell he's never touched himself. "Don't ask why, Patrick. If you do, I fucking swear I'm going to get dressed and leave,"

Patrick holds his hands up in surrender. "I wasn't goin' to ask. That's your business,"

"Patrick, fucking put your hand on my dick now," Pete commands. Patrick blinks and then obliges, pulling Pete's tight jeans down to his thighs, trapping him where he is.

Patrick palms Pete through his boxers, which makes Pete's eyes shut tightly. He lets a moan out deep from within him. The blood from everywhere else in Patrick is rushing to his dick so fast it's not even funny.

"Stop being a fucking tease," Pete says, eyes still screwed shut. Patrick mumbles something about 'you asked for it' and then wraps his fingers around Pete's dick.

Pete bucks wildly into his hand. Patrick keeps his hand on Pete's dick as he reaches his other hand into his nightstand drawer. He grabs a bottle of lube and squirts some onto his fingers before throwing the tiny bottle to the side.

"What's that for?" Pete asks once he regains his breath, Patrick's hand making a steady rhythm as he moves it up and down.

"Trust me here, alright? It'll feel weird at first, but it'll get better," Patrick says. He reaches a hand around Pete and runs his lubed-up fingers through Pete's crease, keeping up his rhythm.

He teases his hole before pushing a finger in. Pete lets out a strangled noise.

"Sorry, sorry," Patrick repeats the action until Pete starts moaning and begging him.

"I-I-" Is all Pete gets out before he cums all over both of their stomachs. Patrick smirks. "That was fucking amazing. What was that?"

"You, my friend, have just experienced your first orgasm," Patrick says. Pete finally comes down from his high, still breathing hard.

"You're fuckin' good at that," Pete says, trying to mimick Patrick's accent. Patrick's eyes widen before he bursts into what seems like a never ending laugh.

"Please don't ever try to do my accent again, Panda. You're not very good at it," Is all Patrick says. Pete then notices the bulge in his black skinny jeans.

"I should.." Pete gestures to Patrick's dick. Patrick immediately shakes his head.

"No, it's okay, brah," Patrick says, pressing his hand to his crotch, willing it to go down. It doesn't.

"You sure?" Pete asks. Patrick nods, which makes Pete sigh in what Patrick thinks is relief. "Damn, I can't say I'm not fucking happy you said that,"

"Why's that?" Patrick asks, moving off of Pete. He throws a shirt to Pete, who then puts it on.

"I'm nervous. I've never touched a dick that isn't mine. And the only reason I've touched mine is to piss," Pete says honestly. Patrick shrugs.

"Nothin' wrong with that. Everyone's got their morals," Patrick says, escorting Pete out.

"So what's lesson five?" Pete asks as they're walking to his house. Patrick smirks at him.

"Blowjobs," He says with a glint in his eye. Pete gulps again. "Ya think that handjob felt good? Wait 'til I've got my mouth on you," Patrick says.

"You're pretty sure of yourself," Pete's hands are shoved into his hoodie pockets.

"Well, I think I'll be okay 'cause you really ain't got anyone to compare it to," Patrick states. Pete nods.

"You have a point there," Pete says as they finally reach his house. It seemed like a much longer walk today than normal. Pete's mom isn't home. "Want to come in?"

"Don't think so. I have somethin' to take care of," Patrick says, pointing at his dick. Pete's face turns bright red.

"O-Okay," Pete says, and just like that, after pressing a kiss to Pete's cheek, Patrick is gone.

I hate my fucking life. I think my dad is out to ruin me. he's a fucking douchebag and always calls me by my sister(who he likes way fucking more than me)'s name when he tells me he loves me.

fucking asswipe.

but anyways enjoy the update.

as usual, Jesus watched you read this.


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