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this has, surprisingly, been the most requested thing.

also, pete wentz enjoys eating ass. he's probably eaten both patrick and mikey's. (that was hard for me to admit because *shudder* petekey)

The sixth lesson

"So what's the lesson today?" Pete asks Patrick as they sit on the latter's couch, hands occupied by the Xbox 360 controller as he plays The Walking Dead game.

"I'd say somethin' about me eatin' you out, but my tongue's never touched another guy's ass so.." Patrick shrugs. Pete's eyes widen.

"Seriously? I would've thought you of all people would've done everything," Pete says. He pauses the game and stretches. "I'm bored,"

"I can try, you know. I mean, if ya want," Patrick tells him. Pete blinks.

"That's going to involve your tongue in my ass, right?" Pete asks. Patrick nods. "I don't know. It would feel weird, and wouldn't it taste terrible?"

"Like I said, I wouldn't know. I've never had my ass eaten 'cause I'm a top," Patrick says simply. They both laugh, making this whole conversation less awkward.

Patrick stops laughing, looking into Pete's eyes. Pete stops seconds later with a questioning look on his face. Patrick leans in closer to him, and when Pete doesn't say anything, he thinks that's a good sign that he's going to let Patrick kiss him.

"What are you doing?" Pete whispers when Patrick is just inches away from his lips.

"I'm goin' to kiss you and then eat your ass, if that's alright with you?" Patrick whispers back, but it comes out as more of a question. Pete's gaze flickers down to Patrick's lips, and he nods.

"Yeah," And then they're kissing. On Patrick's bed. Patrick pushes Pete back so he can straddle his waist.

Pete's shirt comes over his head seconds later, leaving him in just shorts and boxers. Patrick mouths at his collarbone, sucking a spot on it. Pete groans, slipping his hands under Patrick's short sleeve button up so he can feel the soft skin there.

Patrick and Pete both fumble with the buttons until Pete mumbles, "Fuck it," and rips the few buttons, leaving it hanging at Patrick's sides.

Patrick smirks into their next kiss, roaming his hands up and down Pete's body. He pulls Pete's shorts down, leaving him clad in just a pair of black Calvin Klein's.

"What the fuck's up with you and CK's?" Patrick mutters to himself. Pete hears it, though.

"Tell me they don't make my ass look perfect, and I'll never wear them again," Pete says. Patrick shrugs.

"Good point," Pete smiles at Patrick before the latter pulled the boxers down, the argument forgotten. Patrick gets off of Pete and then makes him stand up and bend over the bed.

"For someone that's never done this before, you sure do know what position's best, don't you?" Pete teases. Patrick smiles.

"Ever heard of porn, pretty boy?" Patrick asks. Pete laughs but quickly stops when Patrick takes two fingers and spreads his ass cheeks, leaning in and licking right across Pete's hole.

"Patrick," Pete moans, all teasing forgotten. Patrick smirks to himself before leaning in and licking a hot stripe from Pete's balls to his hole. "Fuck," He lets out in a high-pitched whine.

Patrick teases Pete, pressing a finger in alongside his tongue as he dips it in and out of Pete's hole.

"Patrick, please," Pete says, trying to push back against Patrick's face. Patrick takes the opportunity to slip two fingers in, hinting just a little bit of his tongue.

"Shut up, Pete," Patrick says. Once he has Pete stretched well, he removes his fingers, earning a groan from Pete. But it quickly turns into a moan when his tongue is by itself.

"Holy fuck, 'Trick, this feels amazing," He moans loudly. Patrick continues to move his tongue in and out of Pete, tongue fucking him. Until Pete says, "I'm gonna cum," And he does. Without being touched.

"So I think we learned somethin' today," Patrick says as Pete pulls his boxers and shorts back on.

"Oh yeah?" Pete asks, an amused look on his face. "And what would that be?"

"I'm a fuckin' beast at everythin' sex related," Patrick boasts, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, yeah," Pete says. He pushes Patrick on the bed, making Patrick look at him with his eyebrows raised. "Do you want to get off or not?"

"I'll shut the fuck up, aight? Just get me off," Patrick says. Pete leans in and tries to kiss Patrick, but the latter just moves his head. "I just ate you out,"

"Let me kiss you like I fucking care," Pete says. He leans in again, but this time Patrick meets him halfway.

They kiss until Patrick groans impatiently. Pete smirks and trails kisses down Patrick's shirtless torso until he reaches the skinny jeans that really show off his thighs.

He unbuckles them and pulls them down with his Tommy Hilfiger's, trapping said godly thighs. Pete wraps a hand around Patrick's base before taking a deep breath and leaning in.

His mouth on Patrick's fucking dick might be the best thing that Patrick's ever felt. He moves his mouth up and down Patrick's dick, and Patrick can honestly say it's not the worst blowjob he's received.

He moans when Pete curls his tongue around his dick and comes with a shout. "Fuckin' hell, you're not too bad at that either," Patrick comments.

"What can I say? I'm a sexpert," Pete smirks. Patrick literally hits his face with his hand.

"Never say that again, Panda," Patrick says. Pete rolls his eyes.

"I've to go home. Mom's scheduled a dinner with some dickface, and we're off to his house in two hours. I've to look perfect," Pete says, mocking his mother's voice. "You can come and save my sanity?" Pete suggests.

"Why the hell not?" Patrick asks himself, making Pete smile. "I'll be ready in an hour and a half,"

An hour and twenty minutes later, Patrick Stump's golden hair is styled perfectly, not a hair out of place. He has blue suit pants, a black button up, and a blue bow tie on. Pete says he looks hot as fuck.

Patrick thinks he might be a little in love with him.

okay I updated so yay

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