Chapter 8

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The informer continued " there are rumours that she loved Prince Reyan and pestered him who was his fiance . But she found out about his affair with his adopted sister . Then she was heartbroken and tried to comit suicide by jumping from roof . But somehow managed to live . After that their engagement cancelled ."

Prince Veer asked " why she wants to meet me if he loved Reyan "

The informer replied " she said she admired you for a long time and wants to chase you and ....she said that she found you handsome and powerful ."

Prince Veer didn't say anything and the informer left .

She thought it's interesting , she loved another person and now she is saying she admired me for a long time . He decided to meet her and find out what she is upto .

On the other side

At night , lily was trying to wake his miss but her muss was sleeping like a some dead person . And also her sleeping posture is nothing like an elegant lady . After some trying to wake her miss , she gave up and left from there .

The next morning that person woke up , she was feeling very refreshed . Maybe she needed some energy as she has just time travelled and a lot happened in one day .

She remembered today she was going to meet that Prince . So she was getting ready as she was quite curious how he looked like . Because the original owner has never met him . She just heard the rumours around him .

She then walked to take bath but found out there is no shower but a small pool , also there is no flush . She was quite irritated and decided that she will make some changes .

But first she has to get from this house, then she will start her new life freely .

After bathing she saw her in the mirror and she was dumbfounded because there was so much powder on her face and she was looking like a ghost and her hair was long , too like for her liking . Also her clothes were too heavy .

She called lily and asked her to get some items .

Her maid obediently bought those things , there were scissors , a light long cloth , thread and needle . Then she gave these to her miss . She was quite curious that why her miss want these .

Then she saw her miss holding the scissors and cut her hair upto her waist . She was shocked because women loved her hair in this era and they grow them upto their thighs . But her miss cut her hair . Then her miss took the piece of cloth that was simple and plain and took her with needle and thread .

After some time , she saw her miss coming out from her dressing room and was so surprised that she froze . Because she was looking like a goddess . She was wearing just a simple clothe but it was looking too good . And those accessories are minimal but too good . Her miss was looking very beautiful .

This is the first time in her life , she was someone this beautiful who was her miss who was made her own dress . It was a new look for this era but was gorgeous and different .

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