Part 8

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Wakatoshi was sweating, too tense and nervous about the whole thing, listening to Tendō's unhappy puffing – he had gotten used to sleeping alone and quite comfortably in those last days. And it was not that he minded sleeping on that futon – it was just extremely stupid that they both would sleep on that futon, and the bed (which was meant for sleeping!) was staying vacant and empty every night!

But now that they were both here, it seemed that Satori would not hug him from behind like before. Somehow, the fact that they were sharing a bed changed everything.

He puffed in his effort to be taking up as little space as possible, annoyed by the fact that everything change, despite the irrefutable fact that nothing really had changed. They tossed and turned for the longest time, but in the end, just like always, fatigue prevailed, and it was a good thing that it was Saturday the next day and he could afford to sleep in a little, because he was truly beat. It had been a tough week, they were getting ready for the Championship in a couple of months, and their Captain was alternating between rigorous training and full-blooded breaks, often – with some fun activities for the team. It was great, and it worked, although Wakatoshi never partook in the latter part.

So, too grateful to hear Satori's light snoring, finally, and now lying back-to-back with him, Ushijima managed to relax and get over the fact that someone so desirable to him was now lying at such an easily available distance, and fell asleep too. With the futon situation it had been awkward, to say the least, but it was more spacious too. Here, now, they were constricted by space too much, and we lying somehow closer to each other, albeit barely touching.

And when, by force of habit, he woke up in the middle of the night, for Satori's usual migration to the living-room, he now found out, mildly terrified, that they had stirred in their sleep, both of them, and now he himself was lying on his back, and Satori-kun was sprawling all over him, with his nose buried in his neck.

Poor Ushijima's heart stopped for a moment, as he felt the weight of another's body over himself – that feeling was indescribable. And it was not just a random somebody, it was somebody precious to him. Somebody he loved.

His hands moved, extremely slowly, to now get placed on Satori's back, this giving him a light hug. Wakatoshi wondered. Had Tendō been awake – would he have pushed him away from that hug? Probably... But now, while asleep, he could selfishly use the opportunity, and dream a little. He could dream that things were different, and this wasn't just temporary. He could dream that Tendō loved him, and loved sleeping with him.

A wild dream indeed.

He was holding him extremely gently, listening to his ridiculous snoring, inhaling the scent of his hair... It was lovely, and it was terrible, because, as the minutes passed, Ushijima Wakatoshi was slowly realizing that his crush, which had transformed into love, and which he had put extra effort into eradicating completely, so that it could de-transform back into just friendship, was now blooming anew, turning into not just mere buds, but the full-blown blossoms of torturous love.

He blushed, and, feeling too hot after that realization, he carefully strained all his muscles so that he could place the relaxed body next to his side, and get him off himself. Satori mumbled something incomprehensible, but slept on, turning his back to him again.

It took a while, it took some sighs and some more overthinking, but in the end Wakatoshi managed to fall asleep again, utterly exhausted. Actually, he slept so deeply that he overslept the next morning, waking up as late as 9 a.m., to his own panic, and to Tendō's amusement.

Now, Tendō himself woke up the next morning with the insane thought that he was feeling so good that he didn't want to get out of bed. Like, ever. He didn't want to get out this bed ever again. His eye-lids were heavy and he barely managed to open his eyes, wondering why he would be thinking such a thing first thing in the morning. But as he blinked, feeling too warm, more than was necessary, and more than the season allowed, he slowly and gradually got to notice that he was lying in the arms of a huge, sleeping man, and that man was no one else but his own former Captain.

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