Part 23

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Ellie's pov

Taylor was talking to me and trying to tell me to breathe but I wasn't listening, I couldn't listen. So many people were staring at me and asking if everything was okay and I hated it. Taylor continued to beg for me to listen to her but I just couldn't. I couldn't breathe or focus. I could feel myself getting dizzy and nauseous but Taylor caught on first and sat me down on the floor, she knelt in front of me

Taylor eventually took my hand and walked out of the bathroom, finding anywhere with no people to take me. She was struggling but thankfully someone helped her out and directed her to a quiet room. As soon as we got in there she pulled me into a tight hug and held me close. "Look I know you miss Billy, and I know his is a lot for you right now and there are a lot of people but I promise you will be fine." She whispered.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and gripped onto my hands and nodded slowly. We stayed in silence for a while until I calmed and Taylor pulled away from the hug. "Do you want to sit in the middle of us both?" She asked and I nodded. I was sat next to some random person that I don't even know and it wasn't helping me at all.

She nodded and took me back to our seats, every now and then she squeezed my hand extra tight before sitting down and letting me take her seat. I felt her put her arm around me and Travis did the same so that I felt safe. She also poured some of her alcohol into a little glass for me and pig it in front of me. "Drink that, it might take away some of the nerves." She told me.

I can't believe she is encouraging underaged drinking but I mean I wasn't going to refuse. I quickly took the glass and drank it with no hesitation. I felt Taylor come closer to say something to me. "If you push through tonight I'll take us all on a skiing trip for a week." She whispered.

I smiled massively, I've always wanted to go on a skiing trip so that was definitely a good motivation.

I managed to push through and I must admit, it took a few more glasses of whatever Taylor was on before I managed to ease the anxiety but thankfully by the time we were going home it wasn't too hard to handle the crowd. Taylor had to get pictures with her awards, mainly because she likes to put them on the wall. She had won every category that she was entered in and I don't know how she was supposed to carry them all. She was extremely drunk and dropping trophies everywhere.

I face palmed and started picking them up and carrying some for her while Travis led her to the car. She was stumbling everywhere and it was quite a funny site. We got in and Taylor giggled a little while getting out her phone. "Time to book a skiing trip." She announced. Travis quickly took her phone and shook his head.

"You can do that when you're sober." He sighed. Taylor rolled her eyes and lay back. I watched and giggled. I probably get more entertainment from Taylor when she's drunk than I do from watching tv.

She kept my phone that night which was so annoying. It basically meant I had no option but to read or sleep. I chose sleep because I hadn't slept well the night before anyway after everything with Billy. Taylor had called his parents and told them everything he did and they were fuming at him for doing that.

I was woken bright and early the next morning by a hug over Taylor putting a suitcase on my bed. "Get packing, we're leaving tomorrow morning. You've got some ski clothes and boots being delivered tonight so leave some space." She told me. She didn't have too much of a voice and she couldn't fully open her eyes. She looked exhausted and she clearly wasn't feeling too great. I could tell because she was dressed for the day but hadn't bothered with the bed head yet.

I sat up confused then remembered what she had said about taking me there if I pushed through the night. No one had ever kept a promise until now so I couldn't believe that we were actually going. I also want to know how she found out I always wanted to do that but I guess it would ruin the fun. I love that Taylor knows me so well.

We spent the day packing and preparing. I spent most of the time begging to check if Billy messaged but Taylor kept my phone away and hidden. Apparently if I didn't stop asking she would cancel the trip so I decided to shut up. I couldn't tell if I was more excited to try skiing or watch Taylor fail at skiing. I think she'll be clumsy but I guess we will find out.

I was like a kid on Christmas that night struggling to sleep. They had made so many of my dreams come true and all I could think about was how much they have done for me. A lot.

Sorry it's so short, this is just a filler chapter so that I can get to their skiing trip

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