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Jake was already having one of those days where everything seemed to be going wrong

He’d misread his timetable again and thought his class started at 1:00 PM when it was actually at 11:00 AM and now he was rushing around his room like a madman trying to find something clean to wear but all his clothes seemed to be conspiring against him

“seriously where are all my hoodies?" Jake grumbled pulling out a pair of jeans from the laundry pile and a graphic hoodie that seemed to be clean.

Finally dressed he stumbled out of his room, nearly tripping over his own feet only to find Sunghoon lounging in the living room looking like a movie star Sunghoon was dressed in a prada suit every hair perfectly in place like he’d just stepped out of a GQ cover shoot (that one sunghoon airport look)

“running late again Jaeyunie?” Sunghoon asked barely holding back a smirk.

“wow thanks sherlock really appreciate the observation” Jake muttered struggling with his converse laces that seemed to have turned into knots of hell.

“You know if you keep rushing like this every day you might just qualify for the next olympics” Sunghoon chuckles

“ha ha very funny ” Jake deadpanned finally giving up on the laces and just jamming his feet into the shoes as best he could “why are you even dressed like that? It’s like 10 AM and I don't think you have classes today”

“got a shoot today” Sunghoon replied casually watching Jake’s frantic movements with a mixture of amusement and concern

"but more importantly, you’re a mess babe, let me help”

Jake blinked not really processing what Sunghoon just said until he felt the taller boy crouch down and start tying his shoelaces for him. Jake could feel his face heating up like someone had cranked up the thermostat.

“I can do it myself you know” Jake mumbled trying to ignore how close Sunghoon was

“sure but if I leave it to you, we’ll be here until next semester” Sunghoon quipped finishing up the laces and standing back up with a satisfied smile “there all set now let’s get you to class before you combust”

As they got into the car, Jake slumped into the seat already feeling the weight of the day pressing down on him. He was tired, mentally and physically and the thought of facing his professor who could easily be the villain in a horror movie wasn’t exactly helping.

“you okay, Jaeyunie?” Sunghoon asked, glancing over at Jake as he drove.

“just tired” Jake admitted rubbing his eyes. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck and it’s not even noon I didn't really sleep much last night”

Sunghoon nodded, his usual teasing tone softening “I get it but hey at least you’ve got me to take care of you maybe I should start charging for my services”

Jake let out a small laugh, though it sounded more like a sigh “yeah, maybe you should but remember I can't pay you much”

“don’t worry Jaeyunie I’ll ignore the fee just for you” Sunghoon grinned reaching over to ruffle Jake’s already messy hair “besides I like taking care of you. It’s kinda my thing”

Jake looked over at Sunghoon, trying to fight off a smile. “you’re way too nice sometimes you know that?”

“eh, only to you” Sunghoon replied with a wink “now tell me about this professor of yours the one who’s got you all stressed out”

Jake groaned “he’s the worst if you don’t answer his questions perfectly, he’ll tear you apart in front of everyone and you know my classmates those stank physics nerds? they’re like vultures just waiting for someone to mess up”

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