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As winter break approached, Sunghoon and Jake were buzzing with excitement. They had planned to spend the holidays together, doing everything from decorating their apartment to binge watching cheesy holiday movies while eating way too many cookies. It was supposed to be their first winter break as a couple, and they couldn't wait to make memories together.

But that excitement was cut short when Jake got a call from his parents. His grandmother back in Australia was sick, and Jake needed to fly home to be with his family. The news hit hard. Sunghoon could see the worry etched on Jake's face, and although he was disappointed, he knew family came first for Jake. He put on a brave face, masking his own feelings because he didn't want to burden Jake with his disappointment.

"It's okay, really" Sunghoon said forcing a smile as he helped Jake pack "Your grandma needs you, and I'm sure she'll be happy to see you"

Jake paused mid-pack, looking over at Sunghoon with a soft expression. "I can just not go grandma gets sick often she would'nt mind,I just feel bad leaving you here alon we had so many plans..."

Sunghoon waved it off, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. "I'll be fine there's always next year!" he said his voice pitched trying to be cheerful.

But the truth was, Sunghoon was more than just disappointed. He was heartbroken, though he couldn't really explain why. Maybe it was because this was supposed to be their first holiday together or maybe it was because deep down, he was dreading being alone again. He was used to spending holidays by himself, especially since his family situation was far from ideal, but Jake had made him feel like this year would be different. And now... it wasn't.

Sunghoon had never told Jake much about his past. He'd mentioned bits and pieces how his mom had passed away when he was ten, how his father had been absent for most of his life, burying himself in work. But he never went into detail. He didn't want to drag Jake into the mess that was his family history.

Figure skating had been his escape as a kid, something he did because it made him feel free, and because his mother adored watching him glide across the ice. But after she passed, skating felt like a hollow reminder of what he'd lost. His father's relentless pressure to continue skating professionally only made it worse. Eventually, Sunghoon grew to hate the sport he once loved. He'd moved out the first chance he got, modeling to pay for his own university expenses and rent cutting as many ties as possible with his father.

It wasn't until he met Jake his clumsy, noodle-loving and stove fumbling roommate that Sunghoon felt some of that emptiness start to fade. He didn't know why, but something about Jake's warmth, his unfiltered kindness, drew Sunghoon in from the moment they met. Sunghoon had been a party boy back then, living for the nights he could drown out his loneliness with loud music and alcohol, but then there was Jake, scolding him for being too loud one morning after a particularly wild night at his house.

At first, Sunghoon brushed it off he didn't give two fucks about who his roommate was and was also too hungover to care.
But later, when Ni-ki casually mentioned how cute Sunghoon's new roommate was, he found himself a little interested. And the next morning when he finally took the time to actually look at Jake, all flustered in the kitchen, struggling with the stove knob like it was some sort of advanced technology, Sunghoon couldn't help but smile. He didn't know it then, but that was the start of everything.

So now, standing in their apartment, watching Jake zip up his suitcase, Sunghoon felt a huge wave of sadness. He didn't want to spend the holidays without Jake, but he knew Jake needed to go.

Just as Sunghoon was preparing himself for a lonely winter break, Jake turned to him with a hoping expression. "Hoon" he started, a little hesitant, "why don't you come with me? to Australia I mean, my parents are already there, and I'd love for you to meet my family besides" he added with a cheeky grin "you could use some sun"

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