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It was the 24th of December, and the apartment Jake and Sunghoon shared was a cozy Christmas vibe every inch of it decked out with decorations they'd carefully chosen together the boys had gone all out.

The living room was dominated by a tall Christmas tree, its branches heavy with twinkling lights, shiny ornaments, and a garland Sunghoon had insisted on draping himself because, in his words, "Jake, you're cute, but you can't decorate for shit."

There were stockings hung by the fireplace, each with their names embroidered in Jake's messy handwriting, and the couch was buried under a mountain of plush shrek and elsa pillows that Jake had fallen in love with at the store. Sunghoon had initially rolled his eyes, but now he found himself snuggling into them more than he'd admit.

On the windows, they'd sprayed fake snow, adding little paper snowflakes they'd cut out together. Jake had tried to get creative with his designs, resulting in a few questionable shapes that Sunghoon teasingly called "abstract art." The whole place smelled like pine, cinnamon, and cookies, the perfect mix of holiday scents, with a playlist of Christmas classics softly playing in the background
(fuck christmas songs we are blasting fatal trouble jk)

The boys were both content to spend their first Christmas as a couple together, especially since Jake's parents were still in Australia. Not that they minded the distance in fact, they were looking forward to the privacy. They'd never said it out loud, but both of them knew they wanted this holiday to be special, just the two of them, wrapped up in the warmth of each other's company.

Sunghoon had taken charge in the kitchen, whipping up a spread that could put any five-star restaurant to shame. There were perfectly roasted turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, and a chocolate cake that he decorated with little figures that looked like them. Jake, of course was on plate duty setting the table with the fancy dishes they'd picked out a few days ago mostly because Sunghoon didn't trust Jake with anything more complicated than boiling noodles.

"You've come a long way, babe," Sunghoon teased, peeking over his shoulder as Jake carefully placed the last dish on the table. "Remember the first time I saw you were cooking noodles looking so afraid of turning on the stove"

Jake rolled his eyes, a playful grin on his lips. "I'll have you know I can now turn on the stove properly and also cut onions without crying like I'm watching the last episode of a kdrama"

Sunghoon laughed, reaching out to ruffle Jake's hair. "sure, but let's not risk the main course okay? yu can be in charge of eating you're great at that"

"glad to know I have some purpose" Jake quipped, wrapping his arms around Sunghoon from behind. He nuzzled into the crook of Sunghoon's neck, his voice dropping to a soft murmur. "but seriously, thank you for this. I know I'm not the best cook, but you always make everything perfect"

Sunghoon's heart melted a little, leaning back into Jake's embrace. "You help in other ways, like being adorable and making me laugh when I mess up that's worth more than cooking."

Jake squeezed him a little tighter, a content smile on his face. "well, then I guess we make a pretty good team"

As the clock approached 8 PM, the boys finally sat down to enjoy their Christmas Eve meal. The table was a feast for the eyes and the stomach, but more than that, it was the two of them together, side by side, feeling like the luckiest people in the world. They couldn't stop smiling at each other, their eyes sparkling more than the Christmas lights around them.

"so do you think this turkey will beat the one Jay made for us" Jake teased, reaching for his glass of wine.

The turkey Jay made was absolutely delicious, Jake still remembered the taste so he had to tease Sunghoon a little bit.

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