Chapter 3

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"I wouldn't even date girls like that. They have to be nice, and have smart remarks, and they have to be interesting. Kinda like you" He explained. I could feel myself blushing and was thankful that it was too dark for him to see. The silence must have revealed my secret thoughts . " I don't mean it like that Ariana"

"I didn't think that you did. Wouldn't have mattered anyway." i replied failing to make it less awkward.

"Why? do you have a boyfriend?" He asked me.

"Nah, Two-bit is too protective. He wouldn't trust anyone." I looked at Ponyboy with frown. "Not like anyone would want me" I whispered to myself more than Pony. It seemed as if he hadn't heard me because he didn't say anything. But then he did.

"Shoot Ariana, You're real pretty, You just need to maybe get out more, You Dig? " Ponyboy asked. I nodded. We didn't get to finish the conversation, as we walked through Pony's front door. Two-bit was watching Mickey Mouse as usual. Sodapop and Steve were arm wrestling on a table soiled with cards, food, and a knocked over coke bottle. Darry was at another table doing bills, and there was Dally the scum bag. Dally's feet were propped up on a table, looking as if he didn't give a shit, talking to Johnny. He took a long drag on his cancer stick, and looked at me and Pony.

"Did you and Pony make out watching your 'sunset'" Dally asked smirking, then let out a loud laugh.

"No, So shut up smart ass." i remarked scowling at him.

"Hey, I was just trying to be funny" Dally he said pretending to be hurt.

"Your such an asshole, you know that Dally?" I started to raise my voice "Me and you are going to have a real problem." Pony and Two-bit pulled me away from Dally in attempt to calm me down.

"We're leaving" Two-bit told Ponyboy, and soon after pulled me out of the door.

The whole way home was silent, when i got to me front door and ran up the stairs. I slammed my door behind me and got shorts and a tee-shirt on, and flopped on my bed. I was going to bed.

In the morning, when I woke up my best friend, Liliana was looking down at me.

"Wake up sleepy head" she said lightly hitting me in the face. I assumed Two-bit let her in. My mom usually was working.

My mom was always working, after my dad left us. She had to work at a bar more than 15 hours a day just to keep us afloat. I hated my dad for leaving and I know Two-bit hated him even more. But we got by. It bothered me a lot though I couldn't stop wondering what I did wrong.

"So what did you do last night" Liliana giggled.

Liliana was a very giggly person and our names are just similar coincidently. Despite her jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, Liliana was a very timid person, even if lily was bubbly, she was deathly afraid of a long list of things including, Spiders, heights, being jumped (which never happened to her but happened to me so many times i stopped counting.) The dark, bees, clowns, trains, Tim shepherd, and for the most part- anything else that was dangerous. I, on the other hand, wasn't scared of much. Just Death.

I looked at the clock, it was 7:30. I had like 15 minutes to get ready for school. I got up to put some clothes on.

"I met Two-bit's gang. Nothin' special. Honest"I said taking my outfit out of my closet.

"Everyone talking 'bout Ponyboy and how he has the biggest crush on you" Liliana said.

"What?" I asked. "No He doesn't, Were just... friends" i said blushing.

"Yeah thats not what Ponyboy thinks" Liliana giggled thinking that it was the funniest thing. I rolled my eyes and we walked to school.

Ponyboy was standing in front of my locker and i thought it was a mistake but when i got there he didn't move. Liliana giggled in my ear and walked away. She thought he was gonna ask me out.

"Hey Ponyboy." I said opening my locker.

"Hello Ariana" He chirped. "I- I um was wondering if maybe you wanted to come to the drive in with me and Johnny".

I thought about it, then i thought about how much he liked movies and then i thought about trouble on late nights, Dally.

"Depends. Is Dally going?" i asked looking at him seriously.

"I mean i don't know he might." Pony said.

"Well if you haven't noticed, I hate Dally. So i don't really feel thrilled to-" I was cut off.

"Thrilled to do what?" A familiar voice asked. It was Dally.

"I'm not thrilled to do anything, or even look at you. Your disgusting. " I said scowling at him. Dally grinned.

"You say that now-" i cut Dally off from talking.

"I'll always say that, Get away from me, Bub" I said pushing past him.

Ponyboy ran up to me. "At least watch the sunset with me". I sighed.

"Me and Lily were gonna go to the dingo. Unless you want to come with us..." i paused. "You know what, yeah that sounds nice. I can go to the dingo after the sunset."

"Meet me at my house after school" he said smiling.

"Okay" I said. He started to walk away, I went to class too.

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