Chapter 6

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I woke up to my alarm, I knocked it off my night stand and got up, and ready for school. Friday finally. I started to feel real bad for leaving Lily at the dingo, so I raced to school to find her before class.

As I got to school, I ran right into her.

"Oh my gosh, Lily I am sooooooo sorry I left you last night, there is no reason that I should've done that" I apologized really fast.

"Oh no, its fine I understand" She said in a bubbly voice. It felt strange to me that she wasn't mad.

"Are you sure, your not mad?" I asked.

"Not really in less, you want me to be" She laughed. She stopped laughing as she looked behind me.

"I think someone else is mad at you though." She said, and when I turned around I found she was motioning towards Ponyboy. I walked over to him hesitantly.

"Hey Ponyboy" I said to him. He didn't respond. "Hello?" I asked.

"Why didn't you just tell me." He said looking at me with a sad expression on his face.

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"That you didn't like me..."Ponyboy said as his voice cracked.

"Pony I do like you" I replied slightly confused.

"No you don't, If you do, then why'd you do Ari?" He asked.

"Do What?" I hissed.

"Why did you kiss Dally? " he asked. My heart sank, and I soon became infuriated.

"I-I didn't!" I cried.

"Don't lie to me" He replied.

"I'm not lying! He kissed me! I swear on my life" I cried.

"I can't date, a cheater, or a liar. I just I can't do it. Maybe we aren't right together... Ari We're through." Ponyboy said before walking away.

"PONY!" I cried, tears running down my face. I started to bawl and I ran into the bathroom and cried until I didn't have tears left.


When lunchtime came I walked into the lunch room and everyone was staring at my puffy eyes.

"Oh my gosh! what happened." Lily asked me when I sat down.

"Ponyboy, he broke up with me" I cried.

"What? After one date!!??!!" She asked angrily.

"It's because Dally kissed me, and Pony thinks I kissed him" I said.

"Okay okay, what did he say?" Lily asked me.

"H-he said that he can't date a cheater or a liar and then he said that we were-where" I couldn't finished the sentence, I bawled my eyes out in Lily's shoulder.

"Shhh it's okay" she said. "I'm gonna kill that boy"

"It's all dally's fault, I'm gonna kill him" I cried out. "It's all his fault" I kept repeating.

I looked across the cafeteria to see ponyboy looking at me. It seemed as if he looked sorry for me for a second, then hatred replaced the look and then he look away cold heartedly.

"What a jackass" Lilliana said. "He didn't even let you explain" she said as I cried deeply into her shoulder.


All I did that friday night was eat ice cream, bake cookies and have a sleep over with Lily.

"So he just assumed that you weren't loyal and you went and just kissed Dally?" She asked me shocked. I nodded.

"He had the audacity, to break up with you before you could even explain?" She asked.

"Yeah, Can we please stop talking about it, because that would make me feel a whole lot better." I said. "You're not mad at him right?" i asked.

"yeah i'm not mad." She started. I let out a sigh of relief. "I'm super pissed that's what I am"

"Oh gosh." I said rolling my eyes.

"If a boy did that to me... I'd- I'd murder him" She said.

"Liliana you wouldn't murder your ex" i said.

"Still!" she yelled.

"Your making a bigger deal out of this, then i am" I commented. "Your blowing this way out of proportion"

"Oh yeah?" She challenged. "So if you saw ponyboy with another girl what would you do"

"STOP!" I screamed. "I'm done talking about this"

"Ari...uh your killing that cookie" she said looking at my hand. I stared down at my palms and sure enough one of the cookies I made was crumbled to bits. I walked over to me garbage can and threw the crumbs away.

"I just I can't believe I lost ponyboy, he was my first boyfriend, and he was perfect" I said starting to cry.

"It's okay Ari, I'm sure he didn't mean it. Look you can talk to dally and if he doesn't agree to tell pony the truth, you can pound his face in. Okay?" She asked.

"Okay..." I said wiping a tear away.

"Alright so it's 4:30 in the morning maybe we should get to bed" she suggested.

"I'm down with that" I agreed. "I'm exhausted" 

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