Zukka - Soulmates - 💗

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Set in the show.

●Context● Post-Boiling Rock and I'll just say Sokka and Suki aren't dating. (I love Sukka, don't get me wrong) And I'll also say the Zuko went to see Sokka about Katara and they got a bit distracted...

You get you're soulmate mark when your six. Only you, and you alone can see where it is. When both you and your soulmate have touched the marks, I'll say you both can see them. Then you'll know. When your soulmate touched that spot for the first time, you'll get, like, a burning feeling for a few seconds.

10 years ago (Zuko)

  Zuko looked in his mirror, he saw a weird finger print under his left eyebrow. He didn't remember anyone touching him there. He walked out of his room to look for his mom. He found his mother outside feeding the turtle ducks.

"Mom." He said as he approached his mother. "There's finger print under my eyebrow, and I can't get it off." Ursa looked at her son and smiled. "Oh my dear, that's your soulmate mark, when you get older, your soulmate will touch you there, and then you'll know, you found your soulmate." Zuko lifted his eyebrow. "Why?" Ursa shrugged. "I don't know my love. But, its where they touch you for the first time." Zuko nodded. "That makes sense... I think."

Ursa smiled. "It'll be fine my love. I'm sure your soulmate will be just as amazing as you."

11 years ago (Sokka)

Don't forget, Sokka is a year younger than Zuko

Sokka looked in his sister's mirror. "Katara, did you kick the side of my face?" He turned to ask his sister. Katara shook her head, she was only five. "Momm." Sokka yelled as he went outside. Kya looked at her son. "Yes, what is it Sokka?" Sokka pointed to the side of his head. "I got a kick mark on my head." Kya inspected her son's head and chuckled.

"Oh, honey, only you can see it." She straightened her son's coat. "Its a soulmate mark, its where your soulmate will first touch you." Sokka became even more confused. "Why would she kick me?" He asked his mom. Kya shrugged. "Maybe you made them mad." She fixed Sokka's coat. "So be nice, and maybe that'll change." Sokka nodded.

Three years ago. (After Zuko got his faced burned)

  Zuko took his face bandage off for the first time. Uncle Iroh was with him. Iroh helped unwrap the bandages as Zuko looked in the mirror. Once the bandages were off, the teenager's breath hitched. He thought it was ugly. It was so noticeable, he immediately hated it.

He saw, his eyebrow was completely gone. And so was his soulmate mark. He had to stop himself from crying. 'Great, now no one will like me or see me as anything other than a monster.' Zuko thought as he touched his scar. He felt the roughness of it. 'And no one will want to touch it either.'

Three years later (Zuko goes to the water tribe, looking for Aang)
(Sorta present. Zuko: 16, Sokka: 15

  Sokka tries to attack Zuko. Zuko stopped him and gave him a kick to the head. As Sokka fell in the snow, he felt a burning feeling right where Zuko kicked him. It didn't hurt, but- could it be? "No, of course not." Sokka thought. "Stop being stupid."


  Sokka took his hair down. He knew he needed sleep after going to Boiling Rock with Zuko. From the corner of his eye he saw his tent flap arise. "Well, hello there." Sokka turned fully and saw Zuko. Zuko sat down and so did Sokka.

"Sokka, I need to ask you about your sister." Zuko looked at his hands. "Does he like her?" Sokka asked himself. He liked Zuko, so, this wouldn't be fun. "Sure, what is it." Sokka replied.

*blah, blah, blah. Flash back sequence. Uhhhh. Now, Zuko has information, but, like, Sokka has questions*

  "You asked about my personal stuff, now its my turn." Sokka said. Zuko nodded. "Sure, what is it." Sokka thought for a moment. Zuko kept looking at Sokka's hair. "His hair looks really nice down." Zuko thought.

"Okay, first, how did you get your scar?" Sokka asked. Zuko wasn't expecting that right off that bat. Zuko explained. He didn't like to talk about it, but he wanted to open up to Sokka for some reason.

Sokka listened, he showed more and more concern as Zuko explained. "I'm- I'm so sorry Zuko. I can't... I'm sorry." Sokka looked at Zuko's scar and noticed that, he didn't have an eyebrow there. Zuko felt Sokka's stare. Out of habit, he covered his eye with his hand. "It's not your fault." Zuko replied.

"The funny thing is, my soulmate mark was on my eyebrow. It's gone now, or, well.... I can't see it anymore... I guess... I guess I just don't have a soulmate..." Zuko tried to laugh it off, but Sokka found that sad. Not funny. Zuko eventually put his hand down. Sokka put his hand out, but hesitated. "May I?" He asked the firebender. Zuko thought for a second before nodding. The nonbender lightly touched under where his eyebrow should be with his middle finger.

Zuko felt a burning sensation when Sokka touched his scar. He pulled away once he felt it. "Shit, sorry." Sokka felt bad, he rubbed his own soulmate mark. Zuko looked back at Sokka and saw it. It was where he first kicked him. Sokka saw where he touched Zuko. It clicked instantly.

"You're my soulmate!" The two said at the same time.

This one is longer than I thought. I got wayyy to into this. I might do a part 2. Or leave it up to your interpretation.

I probably will do a part 2.

Thanks for reading! Habe a great day/night

Word count: 982

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