Cinderellas Home

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They turned on their heels and walked deeper into the first floor of the building. "Two days until she gets pranked," Red said.

"That's not enough time!" Chloe said, panicked.

"It's gonna have to be. Elizabeth says as she sighs

Searching for a private place to talk, the girls headed through an opening in the foyer to an empty music room.

Red, restless, moved through the space with Chloe next to her and Elizabeth following behind. "I can't believe my mom was so... sweet." Red passed by an organ and dragged her hand across its keys, setting it off. Chloe hurried to stifle the noise with her own hands as best she could.

"Tell me about it!" Chloe said. "My mom's supposed to be the most perfect, gracious queen ever. Ella seems like she can't even stand royalty."

And the most shocking thing is that my mom is apart of Ulianas crew and dating Captain Hook! Elizabeth says

"Yeah and you know the craziest thing of all?" Red asked.

"They were best friends," The three girls said at the same time.

They stood in stunned silence for a moment, realizing just how much their mothers had kept from them.

"Okay, now the question is how do we stop Uliana before Castlecoming?" Chloe said.

"First we have to figure out what she's planning. Bugs in Bridget's dress? Or something with snakes? Ugh, so many good options," Red mused. She slammed her hand into a set of hanging chimes, and the noise echoed in the music room.

Once again, Chloe quickly ran to silence them.

"So let's find out more about Uliana," Elizabeth said. "You think my aunt might know?"

"Maybe. Plus, she's closest to Bridget. So she'll know her weaknesses and exactly how to stab her in the back," Red said. She lifted a mallet, and bangs it against a drum.

Elizabeth squinted at her with confusion and curiosity as Chloe says. "You have some serious intimacy issues."

*Time skip to Cinderellas Childhood home*

They walk up towards the large erie house with an uncanny feeling.

This is where Cinderella grew up? Red says as she looks at the house that looks abandoned.

I hope not.... Chloe says as birds are flying above the house.

This place is not what I expected.. Elizabeth says as the three girls walk up to the door.

Red knocks on the door as they hear footsteps coming from behind the door to reveal Mia as she opens the door.

Um.. what are you guys doing here? She asks

Red says we came to see Ella as Chloe and Elizabeth nod their head at what red said

Suddenly they hear a voice booming from above..

Who's there? The evil step mother says

Just some girls from school! Mia says in response

Well get back to work or no supper! The step mother shouts as the window slams shut.

Sorry my step mom is.. Mia says as she gets cut of by red saying

A total witch?, I get it my mom never let me have friends.. or have friends.

Really? Ella says as she comes from the living room.

There you are Ella, they are here to see you. Mia says

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