Castle Coming

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*After Merlin found the Vks they were unfrozen and had detention for 4 months but got to miss a detention to go to Castle coming.*

*In Mias room*

As Mia finishes doing her makeup and hair, she gets up from her vanity to her mirror to see her full outfit.

As Mia finishes doing her makeup and hair, she gets up from her vanity to her mirror to see her full outfit

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(Imagine the dress is dark blue)

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(Imagine the dress is dark blue)

She hears a knock at the door and her stepmother screams to answer the door. She goes downstairs and opens it to see James with her favourite flowers(im using tulips for this). He's wearing a black tuxedo.

Omg James, Thank you, you didn't have to! Mia says with a bright smile as she collects the flowers as James hands it to her.

James shrugs casually, but a soft grin tugs at his lips. "It's no big deal, Mia. I just thought you'd like them. Besides, it's Castle Coming. Gotta do something special, right?"

James continues , So you ready to go or do you need to do some last minute things?

Mia glances around, making sure everything is in order. "I think I'm good. Just need to grab my bag, and we can head out. Don't want to keep everyone waiting." She gives him a quick smile. "But thanks for asking."

She runs and grabs her purse from her room and walks back to James.

All ready She says with a smile.

James holds her hand as they step outside, where one of the many carriages Fay had made appear for her friends, is waiting to take them to Merlin Academy.

The journey is filled with anticipation; Castle Coming is not just any event. It's their first dance, and it holds a special place in their hearts.

As they arrive at the academy, the campus is already buzzing with excitement. Banners hang from the towers, and the sound of music drifts through the air. Students and teachers alike are preparing for the evening's festivities.

"Wow, they've really outdone themselves this year," Mia says, taking in the sights. "It's beautiful."

James offers his arm, a playful grin on his face. "Shall we, milady?"

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