Going to Chads Family Day

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Family Day at Auradon Prep was a grand celebration, showcasing the strong family ties of the students. Parents of all students gathered to enjoy the festivities, with a notable exception for Jane, whose mother, Fairy Godmother, was already present. The gardens were filled with joy and excitement as the acapella choir performed "Be Our Guest," earning applause from the attendees.

Mia and Ella arrived with their daughters, Elizabeth and Chloe, excited to partake in the event. Elizabeth, now nine, and Chloe, also nine, were eager to see their Cousin/ Older brother Chad, who was a student at Auradon Prep.

Mia, Ella, Elizabeth, and Chloe made their way across the lush gardens of Auradon Prep, the laughter and excitement of Family Day all around them. Elizabeth and Chloe, beaming with anticipation, led the way as they approached Chad and his friends, who were in the midst of a lively croquet game.

He looked up with a broad smile when he saw Elizabeth and Chloe approaching. "Hey, Elizabeth! Chloe! Glad you could make it!"

Elizabeth and Chloe ran up to him, hugging him excitedly. "We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Chloe said, her eyes twinkling.

Ella, reaching her son, pulled him into a warm hug. "Hi, Chad! Looks like you're having a fantastic time."

Chad beamed. "We are! The game's been a lot of fun. I'm so glad you could come."

Mia stepped forward, offering Chad a friendly smile. "It's great to see you, Chad. We were excited to come and join the fun."

Ella nodded, her eyes twinkling. "Absolutely. The kids have been looking forward to this all week."

Chad handed Mia and Ella croquet mallets. "Why don't you join us? We could use a few more players."

"Sounds perfect!" Mia said. "Let's get started."

The group moved to the croquet field, where the game was in full swing. Chad's team, including Aziz and Cinderella, was facing off against Li Shang's team.

Elizabeth and Chloe eagerly joined in, their excitement evident as they took their turns on the field. Mia and Ella jumped into the game, adding their own flair to the competition. Mia's graceful swings and Ella's strategic plays quickly made them integral parts of the game.

As the match continued, the croquet field was filled with laughter and friendly banter. The children cheered each other on, their faces glowing with excitement. The camaraderie and fun were palpable, making the day even more special.

As they chatted, the cheerful atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a commotion nearby. Queen Leah, looking agitated, confronted Mal, who had just arrived with Ben, Jay, Evie, and Carlos.

"Hello there," Queen Leah said, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"Hi..." Mal responded cautiously.

"Now, have we met?" Queen Leah asked.

"No, I don't think so. We're sort of like transfer students," Mal said, trying to explain.

"Oh yes," Queen Leah acknowledged, just as Audrey approached them.

"Grammy," Audrey said, giving the Queen a kiss.

"Grammy?" Mal asked, puzzled.

"Yes, Sleeping Beauty's mother," Audrey said with a sharp edge. "I don't think you want to talk to these girls unless you want another hundred-year nap or to see your second grandchild taken away."

Queen Leah looked at Mal with confusion and curiosity. "What? How are you here, and how have you stayed so young?"

Mal smiled, trying to ease the tension. "Well, I'm Mal. I'm here because of a new opportunity. We were given a chance to prove ourselves."

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