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Narrator's pov

A cozy, well-kept home. Mia, is 9 years old, is playing with her younger sister, Ella, who is also 9. Their mother is sewing nearby, occasionally looking up with a warm smile.

Ella: "Catch me if you can, Mia!" She says while giggling.

Mia: "You're too fast, Ella! But I'll catch you!" She says while laughing.

Mother: "My little sunshines, always so full of joy." Their mother says with a gentle voice.

Mia and Ella looks at their mother, feeling safe and loved.

Time skip.. Mia's pov

Ages:Mia(10), Ella(10)

The atmosphere in the house has shifted. I stand by our mother's bedside, holding her hand tightly. Ella is on the other side, tears in her eyes.

Mama's hand felt so cold. I tried to stay strong for Ella, but inside, I was terrified and our father was nowhere to be found.

Mother: "Promise me... you'll look after each other." She says in a weak voice.

Mia: "We promise, Mama." I say with tears welling up in my eyes.

Ella: "We love you, Mama..." Ella says while crying softly..

I watched Mama smile one last time before her eyes closed forever. The world felt so much darker after that.

Me and Ella were sobbing uncontrollably as our father just reached home to come upstairs to find us crying by our deceased mother's body.

Time skip.. Mias pov

Ages:Mia(13), Ella(13)

The home looks different now colder. My father has remarried a woman with a sharp demeanor, bringing along her two daughters, Drizella and Anastasia. I stand beside Ella, trying to keep a brave face.

Everything changed when Father remarried. The house felt less like home, and more like a place where we didn't belong.

Father: "Girls, this is your new mother, and these are your stepsisters." He said in a gentle voice.

Stepmother: "We'll be one big, happy family." She said faking a smile.

Her smile never reached her eyes. I knew Ella and I were in for a difficult time.

Time skip.. Mias pov

Ages:Mia(14), Ella(14)

The house is darker now. Their father has passed away, leaving me and Ella under the strict rule of our stepmother. I stand protectively in front of Ella as our stepmother speaks coldly.

Stepmother: "You will earn your keep here. Clean the house, tend to your stepsisters, and do as I say. Or you'll have no place here."

I wanted to shout at her, to tell her she had no right to treat us like this. But I knew there was no one left to protect us. I had to stay strong for Ella.

I take Ella's hand as they are left alone, clinging to each other in the dimly lit room.

Our rooms were taken by Drizella and Anastasia and now we have to sleep in the attic.

Time skip... Mias pov

Ages:Mia(15), Ella(15)

Me and Ella stand before the grand doors of Merlin Academy, our stepmother looming behind us with her usual cold expression.

Stepmother:"You'll attend Merlin Academy to become proper young ladies. But remember, when the school day is over, you return home to do your chores." She said in a cold tone.

Ella:"Will we learn magic here?" Ella says with hope in her eyes.

Stepmother:"That depends on you. But don't think this is a gift. It's a responsibility. Now go, and don't fail me." She says coldly.

I squeezed Ella's hand as we walked into the Academy. I knew our lives were about to change, but I promised myself I'd protect her, no matter what.

End of backstory

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