Shuffle of Love

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Mmm-hmm, Perfect. Bridget says as she dances

[woman singing over headphones] ♪ Aces up my sleeve ♪

♪ I got tricks that you've never seen ♪

♪ I hope you bet on me ♪

[music stops]

*The three girls knock on Bridget's door as Bridget opens the door*
Oh, hey, guys! I'm just practicing my signature dance for Castlecoming. Come in. Bridget says in a cheery tone.

I call it the shuffle of love. She says with a chuckle.

*Bridget turns back on the music and starts dancing and doing tricks with her cards to the sound of the music*

♪ First, once you stepped inside ♪

♪ Feel the beat of your heart ♪

♪ Show me your, show me your cards ♪

♪ Then you throw your hands up ♪

♪ Now take it side to side ♪

♪ Lean back like that and glide ♪

♪ Then do whatever you like ♪

♪ That's the shuffle of love Shuffle of, shuffle of... ♪

Oh! I keep messing up that last bit. But it's okay, I'll get there. Bridget says after accidentally dropping the cards.

[music stops]

(Pretend Elizabeth is there)

Let me clean this up really quick. Bridget says.

Oh, let me help you Elizabeth says while she bends down to pick up some cards.

Thank you, Bridget says in a happy tone.

Wow your room it's so wonderful. Chloe says while looking around the room.

Oh yeah thanks, it reminds me of home. Bridget says

Where I come from, there's a rule against all of this. Red says

Who's against fun? Bridget asks

Our queen aka my mom. Red says

Oh.... Bridget says in a sad tone.

She also hates my style, the way I think, you know, everything about me. Red says in a slightly sad tone.

I'm so sorry Red. I can't imagine having a mom like that. Bridget says in a sympathetic tone.

She's the one I have ever known. Red says

Well, if I was your mom, i'd love to have a daughter who thinks for herself. Bridget says while Red looks taken aback.

Is that the looking Glass? Red asks Bridget

Oh yeah, You've heard of it? Bridget says

Uh, I've read about it. Red says

It was a gift. It's been in the Wonderland royal line for ages. Bridget says

What does it do? Elizabeth asks

It shows you the future. Bridget says in response

Well, have you looked? Red asks

Oh, no no no! I love surprises. I mean, why would I wanna spoil the future? Im sure itll be wonderful. Bridget says

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