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your birthday is comingggg

are you excited?

i am, kinda

what do you mean kinda?

i can't go over to nashville to spend it with my family so i'm kinda sad for that, but i'm sure i'll be fine with you

mmh okay, i'll make sure to do my best to make it special

you don't have to do anything special baby, we can just chill out at home for me

no way, we are gonna do something, you'll see

what are you planning

you'll see
read 4:21pm

tree paine

hey tree, it's yn here, i stole your number from taylor's phone. but i needed to talk to you

hello yn, about what?

taylor's birthday present🙃


i have an idea but i need your help

are you planning on proposing?

nope, not yet at least

what do you need my help with then?

can i call you?

read 4:38pm

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