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the morning sun is just beginning to filter through the curtains when you slowly blink your eyes open. the room is quiet and still, the only sound the soft breathing of taylor beside you. for a moment, you just lie there, content to listen to the steady rhythm of her breaths, the warmth of her body curled up close to yours under the blankets.

it's her birthday today. the thought brings a smile to your face, and you turn your head slightly to look at her. taylor is still sound asleep, her expression peaceful, with her hair fanned out across the pillow. there's something so serene about the way she looks when she's sleeping—so beautiful, so calm. you can't help but feel a rush of affection as you take in the sight of her.

for a few minutes, you just watch her, soaking in the quiet moment. every now and then, you lean in to press a soft kiss to her forehead, her cheek, her nose—gentle touches that you know she won't wake up from, but that still make your heart swell with love. you trace your fingers lightly along the curve of her jaw, marveling at how lucky you are to be here, to be the one she wakes up next to on her birthday.

eventually, you know you have to get up, even though you'd love to stay in bed with her all morning. You have a plan, after all, and you're determined to make this birthday morning as special as possible for her. reluctantly, you slip out from under the covers, careful not to disturb her, and pad quietly out of the bedroom.

in the kitchen, you start to work on breakfast. you want everything to be perfect, so you take your time, preparing all of her favorites. pancakes, topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of maple syrup, scrambled eggs cooked just the way she likes them, and a side of crispy bacon. you even pour a glass of orange juice and brew a fresh cup of her favorite coffee. as you work, you can't help but smile, imagining the look on her face when she wakes up to the surprise.

once everything is ready, you arrange it all neatly on a tray, making sure it looks just right. you add a small vase with a single flower you picked from the garden outside, a little extra touch to show her how much you care. then, carefully balancing the tray, you make your way back to the bedroom.

taylor is still asleep when you enter the room, and you set the tray down gently on the nightstand before moving to her side of the bed. sitting down softly beside her, you take a moment just to look at her again, her face still relaxed in sleep. leaning in, you press a gentle kiss to her cheek, whispering her name softly.

"taylor... it's time to wake up, birthday girl," you murmur, your voice filled with affection as you stroke her hair lightly.

she stirs slightly, her brows knitting together in confusion as she slowly wakes up. you can see the moment her mind registers your voice, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips before she even opens her eyes.

"mmm... good morning," she murmurs sleepily, turning her head towards your voice, her eyes fluttering open to meet yours.

"good morning, birthday girl," you reply softly, leaning in to kiss her lips this time—a soft, lingering kiss that makes her smile wider as she wakes up fully.

when you pull back, her eyes drift to the tray on the nightstand, and her smile turns into one of pure delight. "did you make me breakfast?" she asks, her voice still a little raspy from sleep, but full of warmth and gratitude.

"of course i did," you say, your tone playful as you reach over to grab the tray and place it gently on her lap. "it's your special day, and you deserve to be pampered."

she looks down at the tray, her eyes lighting up at the sight of all her favorite foods. "this looks amazing," she says, a note of awe in her voice as she glances back up at you, her eyes shining. "thank you, baby... you're so sweet."

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