Chapter 22

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I felt 2 hands grab my shoulders, Levi had come back.

"You're alive.." I mumbled allowing him to pick me up.


He took me up to the top of the wall. Armin and Sasha were sleeping on mats, Sasha injured and Armin.. smoking?

"What happened?" I asked as he laid me on a mat.

"Erwin's dead.. We had Bertholdt, but Armin and Erwin were both on the verge of dying. I decided to let Erwin rest." He explained.


He nodded, "She's alive. Her, my squad and one of the recruits."

"The beast? Who was it?"

"A blonde guy.. he got away. That cart titan came from nowhere and scooped him and Reiner up."

I was speechless, I had to say something but couldn't think of what.

"Go to sleep, me and the others are going to look for survivors.. you're not done healing yet.

I nodded quietly and laid down, closing my eyes and falling back asleep. My nap didn't last long as I was snapped back awake by everyone returning. Armin had woken up and needed everything explained to him, the same as me. He seemed to struggle to handle it.

I pulled myself up, I had just finished healing by the looks of it.

"Where's your boot?" Hange questioned.

"With the rest of my leg, where's your eye?"

"At the bottom of a well, at least you regrew yours."

"Yeah? Well now I'm cold."

I didn't dare mention the fact I slept through the whole battle. Part of the reason we so desperately needed to come to Shiganshina was because Eren said his dad left an important secret in the basement to his house.

I put a boot on, scavenged from a corpse then went with the group wanting to investigate the basement. Eren, Mikasa, Hange and Levi.

We followed behind the two as they led us through their hometown. In the ruins we found the crushed house, the basement seeming in tact. I remembered the house, I had visited briefly when Eren was a newborn.

We wedged open the door and went down the stairs. Eren slowly put the key into the door and.. it didn't fit. The key wasn't to that door.

"I swear this was the key dad gave me."

"Step aside." Levi pushed us back then kicked the door down.

"Guess that works.." I muttered under my breath as we went into the basement.

It seemed to be a doctors study at first glance. If what Eren said was accurate, whatever secrets there were would be well hidden, where the military police can't find it.

Mikasa found a keyhole in the desk, erens key opened it to reveal a drawer. Under a false bottom, we found 3 books.

These books explained to us something surprising, there were people outside the walls. Not only people, a whole world. That's where those shifters must have come from. Eren's dad was from beyond the walls and traveled here, had a family and passed his power onto Eren.

The original founding titan created the walls 100 years ago to keep us subjects of Ymir separated from the outside world, but not all of us are inside the walls. Eldians are the only race able to turn into titans, making the other races dislike us.

One question stayed in my mind, where did my titan come from? As far as I knew, it wasn't from the outside, it had been in Paradis since the first king.

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