Chapter 4

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"That's what you get for flapping your joules on horseback." Petra said as Oluo held a cloth to his tongue.

"The rookie needed to know his place. First impressions are important."

"You certainly made an impression on him, no question there."

"Indeed so, our exchange went exactly as planned..."

"What um.. what happened to you? You never used to talk like this." Petra said, "I mean.. it's really none of my business but if your trying to act like the Captain it's kind of embarrassing. You and Levi couldn't be less alike if you'd be born separate species."

"If you intent to hound me like a wife Petra dear, then theres rather more of me you need to be acquainted with before you lay to the privilege." Oluo said.

"Ha, you wish. I'd tell you to bite your tongue but you've already got that covered, next time I hope you bleed out."

"Oh-ho-ho me thinks the lady does protest too much."

"You disgusting swine."

I put my horse in the stables and pet it. The new uniform I had been provided with was tight on me, specifically the belts and harness, something I'd need to get used to. Though, I was happy I was still allowed to wear my favourite hoodie with it, it was given to me by my mother.

"Look at these weeds." Eld said approaching the entrance, "this place has gone to hell."

"It's been abandoned for years, I bet the insides in shambles." Gunther replied.

"Which means we have a problem, best grab a broom and get to work." Levi said.


I was on the floor scrubbing with a sponge, I had been cleaning for literal hours.

"My knees hurt.." I muttered.

"I don't care keep scrubbing." Levi said.

"I'm done with the upstairs sir." Eren said coming into the room.

I looked to see Levi turn away from the windowsill he was cleaning.

"If I may ask Captain where will I be expected to sleep?"

"Your sleeping quarters are in the cellar." Levi said taking down his cleaning mask.

"The cellar..? But sir again?"

"Our safest option. Your abilities are far from under control, you might go titan in your sleep. One of the conditions of me having you in custody is that I keep you under strict security morning, noon and night. While we're in dream land your in restraints, that's the rule." He said, "I'll check your work, take over here. I want it spotless."

"Yes sir." Eren said as he disappeared into the hallway.

He seemed upset when Levi had left, just then Petra came in.

"Oh Eren try not to look so discouraged." She said which made him jump and turn around, "sorry I hope you don't mind me calling you eren, I noticed the captain does and well.. he pretty much sets the tone for the rest of us."

"No it's fine." He replied, "it's just that uh- did I really look discouraged or where you just saying that?"

I sat up.

"Everyone reacts that way, up close and personal Captain Levi isn't as much of a hero as he's cracked up to be... for one thing he's a lot shorter, bit on the temperamental side too. Not exactly what you call in view with the social graces."

"It's not that, I'm more put off by the seriousness. He's so set on following the higher ups rules." Eren said.

"Let me guess, you think strength means living by your own rules, flouting everyone else's."

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