Alex: Sticky Situation

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After maybe ten attempts of trying to suck up her potato from me I have grown really irritated. She was probably just doing this to make me feel safe or make me think she I dumber than sue actually is and she'll probably lure me into a pit of lava or give me poison!
Y'know I find getting kissed a bunch of times as a sign that someone likes me.
God I hate how you are spying on me! That's it, I'm activating private mode! Private mode code number 1235.
I would have sighed with relief if I wasn't currently in the 16th attempt to suck a potato out of me. I pushed her off and got up, "I don't have your fucking potato!"
She hugged my legs and looked up at me, "I know..." she said with a small frown. She looked down at the stone floor and rubber her cheek against my leg, "I just wanted to be noticed... All people usually think of me of is just some stupid zombie that is ruthless and soulless..."
I sighed as I looked down at her. She didn't look much younger than me, maybe she was still a middle school age. Her hood managed to let some of her hair come out of the back and looked a little messy. I sighed and crouched down so I could see her better, "You're not a monster... Not any more. You're a human now, with your own personality! You're so much better than before..."
She looked up at me teary eyed, "R-really?..." she asked softly.
"Really," I said and hugged her. She hugged me back, instead of just my legs now, and breathed softly into my ear. I smiled and closed my eyes, "Don't worry, I'll always be here for you."
"Hm...why is the heroine of minecraftia here when our hero turned dark already?"
I pulled back and opened my eyes to see where the voice came from. At the entrance to a tunnel stood a girl with jelly green skin and a darker jelly one piece over it. She was basically all green, from her eyes, to get hair and slime hat.
"I'm not gonna turn evil"
She laughed a little, "Slime genius" she said sarcastically and than she held up her arm to us. Parts of her jelly hair shot off at us and we were stuck to the wall. Zombie tried to eat through the jelly and I stared at her angrily.
Slime snickered and turned around, "It is best if I just left you two here until the others come by, than you'll both work for us too." She than walked down the tunnel and disappeared.

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