The ending to the story

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I stood there, face to face with Nate. This was it. The final fight for real this time. The last one standing would be the one who would kill.
I couldn't let him kill me.
I couldn't kill him either though, I had to save him....but I couldn't let him hurt everyone I love. Amy and James were still out there and needed to be saved along with all of our friends and family. I need to stop this Dark Emperor.
Nate or Herobrine I didn't give a flying fuck. All I wanted to do was stop him.
He pulled out a long black scepter and I pulled out a flashlight. Wait, what? The Fnaf 2 flashlight...
"Oh fuck..." I turned my heel and ran the hell away from him. No way I could've beaten him with a damn flashlight!
He ran after me, laughing I swore. Pillars rose from the shadows of nothingness and I dodged and weaved right through them. They kept coming and grew more dangerous. They had spikes pointing out wanting to stab at me but I ducked under them or jumped over. He was still chasing me, but how? Pillars would have gotten in his way too...unless he can go through them...
The flashlight! Of course! My color is white so if I shine white it'll make his pillars useless! I turned the light on just as a pillar formed in front of me. I literally ran right through it and heard an, "ummf!"
I took a risk and turned around to see Nate had fallen. He growled but all I did was shine my light around. It wee spreading and destroying his black void.
Hey might wanna take away his scepter.
Oh not you again you fuckass!
"I will end you..." Nate said and he swirled his scepter. All the bright white i created turned into pits of lava. I backed away and turned off my flashlight. Looks like I wouldn't be using that any time soon again.
Nate ran after me, making more deadly or interesting pillars. Like one was a slide that I climbed and slid down which was fun. Then there was the wrecking ball which i slid under and avoided getting my head bashed hard.
We couldn't just keep running forever, could we?
Kid, Minecraft. The forever maps?
Oh shut the hell up!
I kept running, running out of breath. I had to keep going though...unless.
I had a dreadful idea but it would stop Nate. I turned around and faced him. He held out his scepter at me and I pointed my flashlight at him.
He smirked but I just starred at him, "Don't make me do this Nate..."
He stepped towards me and I backed up into a pillar, "Nate...just listen to me..."
He took another step. And another. And another.
I turned on the flashlight right bellow his feet and it turned white, "..."
Looks like the lava wore off kid.
I starred at him and he went for a swing at my head but the white shot a pillar up and Nate went flying into the black void. I collapsed.

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