Alex: Chaos and intros

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I was standing in the middle of the end, right in front of the fountain with an egg on top of it. The End was larger and had walls now. This wasn't all three arenas though...
Don't worry, after you've all faced your enemies you'll meet up and be able to get out of there.
Thanks James. I really do appreciate you, ya know?
Yeah of course I do.
So who do i ha e to fight?...
Um...well there's Slime, Cave Spider, Endergirl...
Holy fuck dude! I have to fight them alone?!
I sent in some help...
I heard footsteps behind me and I looked over to see some new faces and a familiar face.
"Zombie..." I said as they came closer.
Zombie smiled and scratched the back of her head, "I went after you but I got lost and ended up in the overworld. So I found my friends and we went looking for you."
There was a girl with white hair and a bonekini or whatever who had a nice bow. She smiled at me, "I'm Skeleton, nice to meet the Alex."
A girl in green, luckily not slime, with green hair and was very adult like waved, "I'm Creeper."
A girl in white fluffy clothes and had wolf ears was squatting in front of two girls. One had dark skin with a dark red bikini (a lot of revealing clothes) and the other was a lighter skinned girl with a white dress and hat and hair. The girl in the bikini started talking, "I'm Blaze and these are Ghast and Wolf."
I nodded and looked around the dimension, "we should have some company soon....bad company."
Skeleton nodded, "Yeah we know...don't worry though, we'll make sure we can beat them....although I wish we could save them..." she sighed and lowered her bow. Creeper patted her back softly.
"Where's master?" Wolf asked looking everywhere. She seemed very upset. Ghast smiled and patted her head, "he's facing the great evil...."
I sighed and tried to think why he did it. Why he came back here. Why on earth did Na-
"I thought you would have withered away..." said a too familiar and scary voice behind me. Everyone was in a fighting position. When I turned around I saw her. Wither. She still looked damn scary. I pulled out my sword and backed up looking at the others.
There was Slime in her green dress thing, Cave Spider as her short self, Endergirl with her long jacket and um...this new girl. She had darker skin but wore clothing almost identical to skeleton's but was black and she held a stone sword.
I clenched my teeth and was about to say something but the egg that was on the dry fountain in the center broke open. A giant purple light came out from it and there formed what felt like a being of mass chaos.  She had a long black cloak with one long wing visible. Her dark her shone a silky black hair. Her purple eyes were of an amethysts and her pale skin brought them out brighter.
Endergirl suddenly payed attention to her only and knelt down, "My queen..."
Wither merely waved it aside and pointed at us, "Charge and attack them!"
The chaotic battle has just begun.

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