CHAPTER 1 ~ Miss Heartless

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I paced around in the safe surroundings of my office on the top floor of the company building.

How could they do this to me? I found it extremely hard to believe that my own family was forcing me to do this. To get married as if it was some kind of business deal.

Was that all was to them?

Something to pawn to keep the business going?

Right at that moment, Arial walked in, carrying two cups of coffee with her.

"I thought you could use one of these after that 'meeting' in there."

She handed me one of the cups and brought the other to her lips before she took a sip.

I took the cup filled with my favorite mocha macchiato from her and took a sip before I sat down in my chair, feeling defeated.

Four months, one-hundred-twenty days to find a guy suitable for marriage, suitable for me.

After everything that had happened, I couldn't understand what I have done wrong to deserve this.

"This may be a stupid question, but are you okay?" Arial asked as she sat down in the seat across from mine, my desk in between us.

"I guess I'm fine, I mean, I am nowhere close to dying. I just can't believe they are forcing me to do this, that they take control over the last thing I had for myself. I don't want to be stuck in a loveless marriage, I don't want to settle for Mr. Good Enough," said I as I let out another sigh of defeat.

I used to be proud of the things I achieved ever since I changed my major in college before I went to business school.

I always dreamed about becoming a paediatrician, to help and heal kids who have to miss out on a lot of their childhood because of their diseases or other health problems.

I gave all of that up when the accident happened and I was the next in line to be the heir of Vinox Inc.

"I just want to finish this stupid paperwork before I go home, take a long bath and then just sleep through the night. I'll deal with this mess tomorrow."

As soon as the word left my mouth, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in".

The big oak wooden door opened and my mom peeked around the corner.

"Is everything okay here?" She asked, an apologetic smile on her face.

Somehow she looked tired.

Her wrinkles were very clear to the eye, as were the bags under her eyes. Her eyes on themselves looked dull and the white around her irises was now showing some redness in them.

It didn't matter how mad I was at my father and grandmother to pawn me off like that, I never would have the heart to hold it against my mother. So I did what every civil daughter would have done, I got up from my chair and wrapped her up in a tight embrace.

"I'm okay mom. Or at least I will be. I just have a hard time believing I don't seem to be any more than just a piece in their game of corporal chess. All I can do now is hope Mr. Right comes along really quick now."

I said before letting her go, my hands were still resting on her shoulders.
My mom now wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"Whatever happens, I am proud of the way you handle this. And I promise I will do everything I can to help you out. Let me ask my friends from the country club about their sons."

And right before I could say anything else, she gave me another hug before she practically ran from my office, her phone in hand to inform her friends about the task at hand.

Although the current situation was far from ideal, I couldn't hold my mom accountable for it. I knew that she probably tried to move mountains to bring my father and grandmother to other ideas but in certain cases, like this one, her hands were tied and there was nothing she could've done.

"Look, I know you're probably not in the mood for it, but how about we go out for a drink tonight? Get your mind off things and then tomorrow we can think of some kind of plan to make this all a bit less overwhelming." Arial offered and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"We're coming up with a plan?"

"Well yeah, I'm your personal assistant so I assist you in everything, in business and your personal life. And since this case is a bit of both, I'm your girl. Besides, you're one of my best friends and it has been a while since something exciting happened lately."

And right at that moment I didn't care about all the dictations in my life, because whatever happened, I would still have Arial and my mom who would have my back when I needed them.


Arial and I stepped into a bruising club in downtown Manhattan.

People were dancing, or grinding, all around and we made our way over to the bar.

"I swear Arial , I am not meeting my future husband in a freaking club. I know in my situation things might be desperate but I still have some standards."

I had to move closer to her for her to hear me. The music was loud, to say the least, and I was already developing a headache.

"Would you relax and have a drink?"

"Tonight is about letting loose remember?"

"Besides that, look around. If it weren't for Steve waiting for me at home, I would have had my way with some of these guys. This is one of the most exclusive clubs in the city. I wouldn't be surprised if you would run into a few big-league CEO's in here," she said as she gave me a drink.

"Now drink up and let's go dance. It has been too long since you've been out for fun. I've made it my mission to prevent the life being sucked out of you by corporate life. You need to live a little."

With those words said I gulped down my drink before placing my empty glass back on the bar.

"I love those Mojitos, now let's get to the dancing."

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