CHAPTER 5 ~ Miss Heartless

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The following morning I woke up feeling fully rested. I turned to look at my alarm and saw it was nine o'clock already so I got out of my bed and took a quick shower.

As I wasn't going to the office today, I decided to just wear a pair of jeans combined with a white top and a soft pink jacket.

Happy I could ditch the high heels just for a day, I grabbed my pair of low grey Converse and slipped them on my feet.

After putting my long, wavy brown hair up in a ponytail and quickly applying some mascara I was ready to go.

I left my apartment building and skipped inside the Starbucks around the corner to get myself some breakfast and coffee to go before I made my way to the hospital.

Because for one day this week I did not feel the urge to rush, so I opted to just walk the few blocks to the hospital, enjoying the New York spring weather.

After my twenty-minute stroll, I entered the hospital and smiled at the nurse sitting behind the reception.

"Good morning," I said and then just walked by, not needing to ask where I could find Chris.

I rode the elevator up to the third floor and turned right as soon as the doors opened.

After turning a few corners I finally arrived at the room I was looking for. I knocked two times, just to announce my arrival.

Once I opened the door, a tear immediately welled up. There he was, lying motionless in a hospital bed, hooked to a heart monitor.

I sat down on the chair that stood next to the bed and I immediately took his hand in mine.

Four years, that's how long it has been. He had been lying here for four years, all alone in this room. When the accident happened we would all visit whenever we could, not daring to leave him alone, but days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and eventually, months turned into years.

Years of being stuck in a hospital bed all because one drunk driver hit him off his motorcycle.

The doctors had done all they could but now it was up to him to wake up. During the years he was taken off life support because he was breathing by himself, there was brain activity so basically, he was alive, just not awake.

Every time I visited I sat here, holding his hand and telling him about changes in my life, in Luna's life, in mom's life. Other times I would just sit here in silence or I would ramble on about memories of when we used to be kids. Today was not different.

"So the craziest thing has happened lately. Dad is forcing me to marry to make sure the business keeps going. Something about being a single woman and how that influences our partners' view on business. I have four months to find someone and get engaged. Arial tried to set me up with one of her boyfriend's college friends. Let me just tell you that wasn't as successful as she thought it would be."

A red-haired nurse with freckles came in with a smile on her face as she started to do a routine check-up on the machine and my brother.

"It's good to see you again, Miss Vinox. He always seems to do a little bit better after you've visited."

"Rachel, you know we talked about this. Please, just call me Vi." I gave her a small smile.

"I know you're not allowed to tell, but has he had any other visitors later?"

To be honest, I didn't really care if he had any visitors besides me lately. All I wanted to know was if my dad had been here at all.

Rachel, the nurse, shook her head as if she was apologizing.

"I'm sorry, but besides you and your mom no one has visited him."

I thanked her anyway and wished her a pleasant day before she stepped out and continued her duties with other patients, giving me and my brother some privacy.

I sat in the chair, holding my brother's hand and just talking to him for another two hours before visiting hours were over.

I stood up and kissed his forehead.

"I'll be back next week, please fight for us, Chris. I really miss you." I pressed another kiss to his forehead before I walked out of his room and collided with a hard chest.

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