CHAPTER 27 ~ Miss Heartless

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When I woke up the next day, I didn't feel like the world was resting on my shoulders anymore.

I felt lighter and less gloomy than yesterday. Looking back, sending that message to Aiden probably wasn't my smartest move, but apologizing in any kind of way seemed to help my mood.

Of course, I didn't expect it to be fixed right away if there even was a possibility this would be fixed at all.

Also, my epiphany in the park yesterday made me realize something I have known all my life.

I am my own person, and I don't need a man.

Against doctor's orders, I got ready for a day at the office. Sure, it wasn't exactly my dream job, but I came to enjoy it anyhow.

I liked my employees and they worked hard. So if they were, why shouldn't I?

Especially with this giant problem that needed to be fixed. Besides that, my new phone would be delivered to the office this morning.

And let's be honest here, who could go without a phone in the world we're living in.

Once I was dressed in a pale blue top with a ribbon hanging from the neck and a grey pencil skirt, I tied my hair in a loose bun on the top of my head, careful not to touch my stitches. I would have preferred to let my hair loose, but unfortunately, when working it was often in my way and I would rake my hand through it.

I arrived at the building at half-past eight and I made a quick stop at the front desk.

"Good morning, Jennie. Any packages I should take up with me?"

She gave me a warm smile and handed me a small box. I took it and thanked her before I made my way upstairs.

The elevator brought me up to the top floor and soon I was in my office, seated behind my desk. There was a pile of files on my desk, regarding the new resort in Hawaii.

I then looked through the marketing reports and I was hit by an idea. Why not make immediate changes to the Hawaii resort while we still could? It could be like a pilot before we start major renovations to the existing hotels.

Because of that idea, getting myself to work was easy, as I knew what had to be done.

Unfortunately, convincing the senior board was something that needed to be done before I could push through any major things. Changing the company's entire formula would be such a thing.

So I worked on it, and I worked hard.

A few hours had passed when I was interrupted by the faint noise of a phone ringing.

I tried to localize it and the sound seemed to come from the box.

Oh right, the phone. Quickly, I opened the box and answered the phone. "Hello?"

I recognized the phone on the other end of the line immediately. My heart stopped.

Was this some kind of sick joke?

Sure, I had hoped for this, but I never would have thought it would happen.

"Vi? Are you alright there?"

I checked my phone to see the caller ID. It said mom, but this wasn't my mom's voice.

It was my brother's. "Chris? Is that really you?" Tears were now streaming freely down my cheeks.

"Will you just get your ass over here? Now?" his voice sounded over the phone.

This was unreal. After all those years, I finally had my brother back.

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