CHAPTER 26 ~ His Princess

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I walked over to the bar cautiously. Part of me was hoping to see Aiden there while another, slightly bigger part was nervous of the fall-out that would undoubtedly follow.

Taking in one final breath, I laid my hand on the doorknob and pushed the door open.

The bar was quiet, which wasn't strange for this time of day. I looked around to find the area completely empty.

Normally, seeing a place empty made me turn around and go somewhere else.

However, desperate times called for desperate measures. I needed to call my mom.


Someone came out from under the bar and my eyes went straight to his. There he stood, tall, handsome, and... angry. That was to be expected.

"Save it, princess. I really don't want to hear it. And then to think I felt guilty for the way I acted to you when I didn't even know you. Turns out, I was right all along. We don't want your money, go spend it somewhere else."

That was all he said before he turned around and was about to disappear in the staff only room behind the bar.


I moved a bit closer, and to my surprise, he turned around.

"I know I am not the person you want to see right now, I get it. Just, please, let me use the phone to call my mom real quick. I'm locked out of my building, my phone was stolen, and I have no money to pay for a cab right now. So, please, let me make a phone call and I'll be out of your hair, for now."

I sounded so desperate right about now. What was wrong with me?

Aiden remained silent for quite a while.

"Your phone was stolen? Are you okay?"

For a minute I could see the genuine concern in his eyes. But soon, his expression turned hurt and cold again. Could I blame him, though?

"I am fine. I just really want to go home now." I sighed. "Can I, please, just use your phone for a minute?"

He handed me his phone.

"Just leave it there when you're done. One phone call and then you'll leave." And with that, he was out of the room.

I quickly called my mom. Thank heavens she answered almost immediately.

"Hey mom, it's me. Could you please come over with your key? I'm locked out because of the whole hospital situation and I would really like to just take a shower and get some rest."

My mom, of course, was already halfway to her car when the conversation ended. I scanned the room once more, but there was no sign of Aiden.

I did, however, notice a tiny block-note and a pen laying behind the bar. I quickly took them and wrote a quick note for him to read.

I ripped off the piece of paper and laid it on his phone, making sure he would find it.

A deep sigh escaped from my mouth as I turned to leave the establishment. I knew he wouldn't have been very happy to see me.

But I wasn't prepared for the hurt that washed over me the moment I realized this might have been the last time we'd see each other. I didn't want this to be the end. But what else could I do?

As long as he won't listen, how can I explain myself?


I stood outside my building, waiting for my mom for about 10 minutes before she arrived.

Once she parked the car in the garage underneath the building, she rushed over to me and pulled me into a tight and motherly hug.

God knows how I have been craving one of those hugs for the past few minutes.

She opened the door to the downstairs lobby of the apartment building and together we waited for the elevator to come back to the ground floor.

"Why didn't you just wait for me to pick you up. It would have saved you from a lot of hassle. Are you okay though? Cause that is all that matters."

It was her motherly love that kept me going. It was her love that helped me accept my fate within the company. It was my mom that always made me feel good about myself.

It had felt good to finally fill her in on the mess I had created for myself. It had felt good to finally confide in her about all that has been going on in my life, but mostly about what has been going on in my head. I wasn't that much of a talker when it came to my hopes, dreams, and insecurities.

I stepped a little closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder. "I love you, mom," I whispered.

"I love you, too, honey. And I will love you no matter what you decide." She said and pressed a kiss on my head.

The doors of the elevator finally opened and we stepped in.

"How about you take a shower while I'll fix you something to eat. You can't just skip a meal. It's not healthy."

I just nodded my head and let my mom have it her way. I knew her well enough to know that she wouldn't go home without making sure I had eaten something first. The ride on the elevator towards my floor was silent.

Once we made it to my apartment door, my mom opened the door and immediately went into the kitchen while I made my way to the bathroom.

I couldn't help but notice how clean everything here looked. Which was kind of strange, given the fact that the cut on my head needed some stitches.

There should have been blood here somewhere. Mom must have cleaned around here when she got here to get me some clothes.

I put my hair up in a loose bun and took a quick shower, careful not to get my head wet and the stitches. I could only imagine how much it all would hurt when I had to dry everything with a towel.

Once I was done showering I let my hair cascade in long dark waves. After I had changed in my pajamas, I sat on my couch, waiting for my mom to join me.

Once she did, she handed me a container of pasta pesto with spinach and chicken. It smelled absolutely amazing.

"It smells great. Did you make this?" I asked before taking my first bite. Forget the smell. This taste is heaven.

My mom just shook her head.

"This was already prepared when I came here to grab some of your stuff last night. I put it away in containers and in the fridge. But if you didn't make it, who did?"

Images of Aiden flashed through my head. Of course, he was cooking me a meal while he let me take a relaxing bath. And what was his reward? To be hit with the truth in the least pleasant way.

After another half hour, my mom finally left as it truly was time for me to get some rest. I grabbed my laptop on my way to my bathroom.

Once I laid in bed, I opened my laptop and searched for Netflix. But not before I logged into the dating site this mess all started with. And without thinking, I typed a message to Aiden.

ME: I know you probably hate me right now. But I still wanted to thank you for the delicious meal you cooked last night. I really wish I dealt with the entire situation differently. I'm sorry.

For a short moment I paused, hesitation taking control.

Should I send this? Or shouldn't I?

Will he even see it? Will he reply?

And before I could think about it some more, I felt my finger pressed send.

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