CHAPTER 15 ~ Miss Heartless

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The rest of the week flew by, uneventful. I once responded to Aiden's text, but we've never arranged a second meeting.
Okay, truth to be told, that we haven't met up again was all on me. He tried to set up something, anything, but I just told him I was busy. What was the point in connecting to someone, only to have it end in absolutely nothing but tears and heartbreak?
My Debbie Downer mood didn't go unnoticed by Arial, and she tried everything in her power to cheer me up.
But what would that change?
I was aware of the fact that I could never be truly happy with the life I was living, so why waste energy on pretending that I was?
Having enough of it all, I shoved some paperwork, all in waiting to be signed, off of my desk and immediately standing up afterwards.
"Ari, cancel all my appointments for the afternoon, I'm out of here. Oh and leave the mess, I'll clean it up myself once I get back, but I really just need to get out of this place."
And with those words said, I grabbed my stuff and left my office, left this building, and for just a moment, left the place that has been controlling my life for as long as I can remember.
Once at home, I changed out of my office wear and into my sports gear. I was in dire need to clear my head, so I figured going for a run would calm me down and basically get my panties out of a twist.
I tied my long brown waves into a messy ponytail and then pulling it through my cap. Once changed, I put my earphones in and strapped my phone around my left upper-arm, now ready to literally run away from the thoughts flying through my mind.
Not bothering to wait for the elevator, I ran down the stairs, not giving a damn about breaking a sweat or the possibility of aching muscles in the morning.
I ran my usual route, avoiding pedestrians in the busy streets and then enjoying the wide view of Central Park, the only place in the city where it would be absolutely impossible to feel suffocated, and therefore, my favourite place in the world.
Once in Central Park, I felt some tension built up inside of me, immediately vanishing. This was the place where I truly felt like myself.
So there I was, just running along the park, minding my own business when I was suddenly cut off by a little boy, forcing me to dodge him by changing direction and was immediately collided with another body.
Arms soon wrapped around me, preventing me from falling on my ass. Great, this was just great I thought when making a mental note to myself to stop bumping into people.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I was just running there, minding my own business when that little boy suddenly cut me off. And let's be honest, I can't just run over a kid, what would just be heartless." I say, not even looking at the guy who still has his arms around me, too busy following the little boys with my eyes, until he's standing right there next to us, tugging at the guy's jeans.
"Uncle Aiden, can I go play at the swing now? Then you can keep hugging that lady. I won't tell mommy you let me go by myself and I won't go near the water. Pretty please?"
Uncle Aiden?
I looked up and was indeed met by Aiden's gaze. So much for having a relaxing run...
"Sure thing buddy, but make sure you stay in my line of sight, okay?"
Those words were all the little boy needed to hear and he immediately stormed off to the swing, a big smile sporting on his face.
Once the boy was gone, Aiden looked at me, an amused smile on his face, and his arms still around me.
"I have to admit, bumping into you isn't all that bad, at least when there is no coffee around. You okay?"
Ashamed to admit, I had to say I liked the feeling of being in his arms. I felt safe, accepted.
That feeling was only there for about five seconds because then reality hit. This hug, this feeling, this version of me. It was all a complete lie.
He thinks of me as Arial, and executive assistant when in reality I still am Veronica. So I stepped out of his arms before I looked up at him.
"Yes, I'm okay. Just going for a run as my boss gave me the rest of the day off, so I just thought to use it well. What about you? What brings you here, with your nephew? No new advertisement campaigns to launch today?"
"Nothing I can't fix tonight since someone doesn't seem to have time to meet up for anything. Besides that, I had to pick up Ryan from school, as my sister is in the hospital, bringing my little niece into the world. Work is a big part of life but isn't the most important, or at least, it shouldn't be. But you of all people should know about that, with your boss probably being a stiff, stuck-up workaholic, keeping you around longer than is actually needed."
His words felt like a direct blow to the stomach, and suddenly I became nauseous.
Because he seemed like the carefree, down to earth kind of guy. The kind of guy I could see myself with.
But he is also the kind of guy that values things and family and that there is more to life than just work. Things I believed in too, but never will be realized by me due to work, due to my obligations and responsibilities to the company.
I was preparing to defend myself, or at least the version of myself he has no knowledge of when he shook his head.
"I am sorry. I am in no position to judge someone I haven't even met. She gave you this afternoon off, so it couldn't have been all that bad. Look, since we're both here, and I would really like to spend some more time with you, how about I buy you a cup of coffee to replace all those coffees that had been lost in the battle, you know, all the run-ins we had."
This was the moment hesitation crept upon me. Why spend time with someone I knew would never be good enough according to my father's and grandmother's standards?
Why waste the time I could use to search for the kind of guy they'd want me to end up with, the kind of guy that could run a company twice as big as Vinox Inc. already was?
But then again, why would I allow them to control my life any more than they've already been doing ever since I was old enough to be of any use to them, to the company?
"Sure, why not? Since we're already here."

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