CHAPTER 16 ~ His Princess

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Choosing to have that coffee with Aiden seemed to have been my best choice of the day.
We just sat there, on a bench in Central Park, overlooking the playground where his nephew, Ryan, played and had fun for all he was worth.
After an hour of talking about our general, day-to-day kind of lives, I felt him scooting closer to me. Deep in the back of my head, I knew that this should have been the moment in which I would stand up, make up some lame excuse and hurry off.
But the truth was, I liked him being close to me. I liked the warm, fuzzy feeling it ignited in the pit of my stomach as if butterflies were busy trying to escape.
I was feeling like a teenage girl, falling in love for the first time. Frankly, it was a strange feeling, like I have never felt it before.
"I really liked spending this time here, with you." He softly but firmly whispered in my ear, his hot breath leaving a tingly sensation below my earlobe.
"What do you do tonight?" His question took me by complete surprise.
What did I even do tonight? Oh, right, I had to work.
"I work a shift at my brother-in-law's bar tonight, you know, the one in which we met earlier. Come over and your drinks are on me. I'd just really like to see you again."
"I'll have to think about it. Still have to catch up on some things, see some people, you know, the usual stuff."
Okay, I was stammering and I knew it, but something about him really caught me off guard. He just looked at me, an amused smile on his face and his eyes sparkling with mischief.
As if he knew something was going to happen and he couldn't wait to find out if his guess would become a reality. And that's when it happened.
My world stopped.
His lips were on mine.
He was kissing me!
My mind was totally blanked out as I didn't expect him to kiss me. He was kissing me soft and tender, but still with a certain amount of passion, making me curious about what else he had to offer. He kissed me, and he did a damn good job in doing so.
However, as quickly as his lips were on mine, as quickly did I feel him pull away. He whispered in my ear once more.
"I hope to see you tonight, so we can finish what we started."
Once those words were spoken, he stood up in a fluid motion. He bent down once more giving me a chaste kiss on my lips and then turned to walk away.
My eyes followed his every move as he went to the playground to collect Ryan, who gave me a small wave before he took Aiden's hand.
My eyes were still glued to Aiden's back as he and Ryan left my eyesight. As I sat there, trying to figure out what had happened just now and how I felt about it all.
He kissed me, I kissed him back and I liked it.
I knew that visiting him at the bar tonight would be the worst thing to do, but then again, why would I have to hold back on the things I wanted? Why did I have to sacrifice having a decent life for myself, to please my family?
Reluctantly, I stood up from the bench and started stretching my muscles. I went on this run to clear my head, to organize my thoughts, so, that was what I was going to do. I needed it now more than ever.
Once stretched and warmed up enough, I decided to take my run back to the office, where I still had a ton of paperwork to finish.
Two hours of reading through papers and contracts and signing my autograph more times than I could count on my fingers, I decided that I've had enough.
There were no pressing matters that needed my immediate attention, and all was set to start the next phase of creating the new resort in Hawaii. Which reminded me, it was about time to set up a little trip, to personally check on the progress being made, have a bunch of meetings with the constructing company and to have a new management team created and for them to start looking into how to staff once we're able to open and start running.
I looked at my phone to see the time, and noticed that it was already 8 o'clock, my stomach immediately growling, ordering to be fed.
After cleaning up my office, I stepped in the elevator. Once downstairs and outside, I hailed a cab to take me home.
The drive from the office to my home only took about ten minutes, due to easy traffic. I paid the cab driver and thanked him before I stepped out. Not caring about getting in any more exercise, I opted to take the elevator.
During my ride upstairs, I ordered some take out, giving me just enough time to take a shower and rinse all of today off of me.
My shower was fast and just gave me the time to quickly cleanse off today's workout.
Once dried off completely, I stood in front of my closet with my towel tightly wrapped around my body. I never really put that much thought into what to wear, especially around this time of night.
But here I stood, contemplating whether to just wear my comfortable clothes and just have a lazy night on the couch, watching an episode or two of The Vampire Diaries. Or, if I would dress up, fix my hair and make-up and then hit the bar and go see Aiden.
Struggling with the two thoughts, I nearly missed the ringing of the doorbell and the arrival of my dinner.
So I did what every girl in her right mind would do. I went to the door and quickly took my food and paid the guy, not at all paying him, or his staring at my chest, any more attention than a mere thank you.
I put my dinner on the table and hurried back to my room. I had made up my mind and so I dressed myself to the occasion.

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