CHAPTER 2 ~ Miss Heartless

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I walked into my office, my head pounding and my mouth dry. The few drinks Arial and I were supposed to get to relax, turned into getting drunk and dancing all night.

By the time we were completely drunk and ready to go home, I tripped and fell.
So now, instead of only nursing a killer hangover, I was also dealing with a sprained ankle.

I was only in for a minute when Arial walked into my office groaning, wearing big, dark cat-eye sunglasses while carrying in two cups of coffee.

"I'm never going out with you again. My head is throbbing in pain and my wallet is now crying because of all the money we spent on our drinks."

"Don't make funny jokes when I can't laugh at them. You forced me to go out with you, I would have been perfectly content with just sitting alone on my couch watching Grey's Anatomy and fantasising about my own dr. McDreamy. Did you bring some Advil as well? My head is pounding."

Arial tossed me a bottle of Advil she always carries in her purse, followed by a bottle of water.

"Ari, you're a lifesaver," I said before taking two pills from the bottle and gulping them down with the water.
"So what's on my schedule for this morning?"

Arial, who was nursing her hangover by taking some Advil, took out her planning for the day.

"You have a board meeting at 11, you better pray for your hangover to be manageable by then. Can you imagine the senior board members seeing you like, this? After that, you have a conference call with the west coast office at half past noon and finally, you'll have a late lunch with your sister."

I sighed in the morning ahead of me. I hated the board meetings, conference calls and all those things that required me having to sit down and talk about things nobody else really cared about.

Sure, the development of the new resort in Hawaii was important, but not something that demanded endless meetings and conference calls.

"Oh, and don't forget about dinner tonight," Arial added to my schedule.

"Dinner? What dinner and with who?"

"You're having dinner with Conrad tonight. You know, Steve's college roommate? You agreed to it last night. You said, and I quote, 'Sure, why not? I have no time to lose in getting out there and find myself a guy to marry'. You can't back out now, it's all set up." She said with a smug smile on her face.

I didn't know why, but Arial was seriously enjoying the entire situation.

Of course, she was one of the lucky ones.
She met her fiancé Steve when she was in high school, they went to college together here in New York and they stayed here.

Him doing his residency at Columbia University Medical Center and Arial working at Vinox Inc. where she started as my PA long before I was indeed the CEO.

It had always felt a bit weird that we were the same age and I had been bossing her around, her running my errands and all stuff like that. Luckily for both of us, she turned out to be a hard worker and grew out to be my best friend.

"I feel like you're enjoying this entire situation a bit too much. Anyways, who am I meeting? Where and at what time?"

I asked her, not even trying to fight her on the matter. I may have been drunk, but I intended to keep my promises whether I was sober or intoxicated.

"His name is Conrad, he'll pick you up here at the office at seven. My friend Rosy will pick up the dress I ordered for you and drop it off here at the office at 5. Once you're back from your lunch with your sister and finish everything up, I will help to get you ready."

I nodded my head in agreement, thankful she thought everything through so thoroughly. I then looked at the time on the clock above my office door. It was an antique clock gifted by my grandmother on my 24th birthday.

"Shoot! It's half-past ten already. Ari, can you please set up the conference room while I get my files? And please tell me you managed to take care of the handouts yesterday? And by that, I don't mean to imply you're slacking off, but you know, the meeting may have slipped my mind with all the drama going on yesterday."
Arial just stood there and gave me an understanding smile.

"It's okay, Vi. I took care of the handouts yesterday morning and I will go and set up the conference room right now. Just promise me you'll take a deep breath and calm yourself down? You got this. That new resort in Hawaii is your baby, you don't have to worry. You know all of it."
I shot Arial a smile, she truly was the only person I looked forward to seeing every day.

Sure, I had friends, or rather people to hang out with. Sons or daughters of my parents' friends, the people I grew up with. They were opportunistic and spoilt whereas Arial was genuine and a hard worker. She was like me. We both grew up wealthy, but neither of us took it for granted, we valued things.

"Thanks, Ari, you're the best. Remind me to give you a great end of year bonus." I said before I got up from my seat and made my way to the file cabinet in the back of my office.

"So, this Conrad guy. You've met him? What am I in for?"

"Nice try there, Vi. But I'm not going to spill. You would have to find out for yourself because you know what the problem is with expectations. They usually lead to disappointment."

Arial made her way over to the door and gave me one more wink before she stepped out of my office and went to do her job.

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