CHAPTER 29 ~ His Princess

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I took one final deep breath to calm my nerves before I opened the door. And there he stood.

His dark hair in that perfect tousled style, his dark eyes staring directly into mine. Without breaking the strong eye contact, I stepped away from the door to let him in.

"I tried to just forget everything, to forget you, and just go along with my life. But it seems like I just can't get it out of my head. You said you could explain and I didn't want to hear it. And yet, here I am. I need you to explain because I can't wrap my mind around it. Why would someone in your position choose to lie about who you are?"

At least he had the guts to be direct about it. I like him being straightforward. What was the point in beating around the bush?

"I'll explain it all. Can I get you anything to drink first?"


We were seated on my couch, both with our drink in hand, and the tension thickening around us.

"I know I am in no place to ask anything from you, but you have to promise me to tell you the entire story before you react. So, have we got a deal?"

Aiden took some time to think about my proposal but nodded in agreement eventually.

"So, go on. Tell me why."

I let out one final deep breath to get rid of the nerves and then I started.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I scooted over to the other side of the couch, creating some distance between us, allowing me to look at him directly.

"It all started when my brother was involved in a motorcycle accident. He was in a coma for four years. My brother was the initial heir to the family company. As the second child, it was expected of me to step up to my responsibilities. I gave up my dream to be a pediatrician and attended business school."

Telling this story left a bad taste in my mouth. All it did was remind me of how little of a backbone I had when I was younger.

Aiden looked at me and gave me a nod to encourage me to go on. At least he kept to his promise not to react.

"Through business school, I worked with the company in my free hours. I did everything I should have done according to my father, to fill in the position of CEO. My sister and my assistant are my best friends. That should give you some idea of how much I lacked a social life."

I raked a hand through my hair out of frustration. I made this mess of my life.

I looked over to Aiden, only to see that he was still eyeing me, listening carefully to every word that left my mouth. And it felt good. I was glad he gave me the chance to just tell him what needed to be said.

"When I finally filled in the position, I thought all was well. I thought that I had paid my dues and did everything that I was expected to. I thought I would at least earn me some pride or even respect from my father, but I couldn't be more wrong."

While I was preparing myself to tell Aiden the part he came here for, my nerves suddenly peaked.

My mouth ran dry and I couldn't fight the urge to play with the hem of my shirt any longer. This didn't go unnoticed by Julian.

"Vi, take a drink." And so I did.

I brought the glass of water up to my mouth with trembling hands, taking a few small zips and push them through my tight throat.

The cold water did little to relieve the tension I was feeling, but at least it was something.

To my surprise, Aiden reached out for my hands and gave them a little squeeze, which felt strangely comforting.

"You're doing great. Just continue, please."

I continued...

"Let me just say that my father left me with a sinking ship. The business was slowing down to the point I had to close a few hotels in order not to lose profit, at the same time a new resort is to be built in Hawaii. Anyway, one afternoon I was called into the conference room by my father and grandmother, both members of the board."

The memories of that exact moment caused a new fire of determination coursing through my veins.

I would do anything to prove them wrong. To prove to them that the slowing down of business had nothing to do with my leadership, but with them not seeing and fixing the problem earlier because of their outdated opinions on business and women.

"I was called into the conference room because they believed the business was slowing down because it was run by a single woman. They gave an ultimatum. I had to be married or at least engaged to a man or I would lose my position as CEO."

"Dating isn't something that comes easy to me. People are easily intimidated because of my job, they see me as a ticket to a luxury life or they see me as some stuck up princess that has everything handed to her on a silver platter."

I couldn't help but look him straight in the eye with that final comment.

"I created a dating profile and used my assistant's name and occupation to let people get to know the real me. The version of me that I want people to know. I wanted to tell you this so much sooner if we hit it off. But the run-ins we had before that and your strong opinions against people that come from money, made it all that scarier than it already was. I never wanted you to find out the way you did and I can't express how sorry I am."

The story was out and a wave of relief washed over me. My limbs felt lighter, I could breathe more easily and somehow the world seemed like a happier place. Everything was out in the open. No more secrets.

But Aiden still hadn't said a word and was looking through the window. I could imagine him needing some time to process all that I had told him a few moments ago.

"Did you really think I would agree to marry you in such a short period of time? What sane person would"

Of course, he would ask this question. He wasn't stupid.

"To be honest, I didn't care. First I was set on finding a man my father wouldn't agree with, just to piss him off. But later on, I realized that my father would never approve of the kind of guy, I would want to share my life with because my father doesn't accept me. He doesn't give a damn about my happiness."

A tear escaped my eyes and closed my eyes, hoping Aiden didn't notice. But it was too late.

He had already brought up a hand to my cheek and wiped the tear away with his thumb.

"If he doesn't care about your happiness, why follow through with the ultimatum he gave you?"

"Because I'm a girl. I grew up with classmates who all were close to their fathers. They might have been overprotective and overbearing, but at least they showed they cared. All I have ever wanted was to be accepted by my father. If only I worked hard enough, did what was expected of me, and thrived at it, just maybe I could do him proud. I now realize it is of no use. But I refuse to lose the position I sacrificed everything for. I know it's pathetic. I didn't even want the damn job in the first place."

I took another sip of my drink, just to avoid Aiden's pending gaze, willing for the tears not to come. No matter how big the initial relief was, this moment felt quite awkward.

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