CHAPTER 18 ~ His Princess

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When I looked up, I was greeted by beautiful, deep chocolate brown eyes and Aiden's magnificent shaped face.
I couldn't help but smile.
"I'm sorry. I was thinking about how awesome it would be if suddenly Shawn Mendes would appear and perform 'Fallin' All in You'. Can't imagine how you would jump from behind the bar and join them, stealing the show."
There was something about conversing with this man that would just turn off the world around me.
"I would do that, but not without dragging the most beautiful girl here with me on stage."
Before I could reply to what he said, he leaned over the bar and gave me a soft and tender kiss on my cheek.
Neither a kiss that you wouldn't give your friend because it was too intimate nor one to overstep some boundaries we haven't had the chance to talk about yet. If I would even let it come to that point that is.
My cheeks heated up from his soft and intimate touch, displayed here in this bar for everyone to see.
"So how are your sister and your niece? I hope everything is okay and they are both doing well".
I asked, deciding to change the indirect subject of us as a potential couple, hook-up or whatever this may be.
"They are doing great. I am probably biased, but my niece is the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen. She has inherited the same brown eyes as I did. There is no doubt he will have the man lined up for her when that time comes. Which I hope is never."
He rolled his eyes at himself and shook his head.
"Look at me. Here I am, talking about the little girl as if she's mine. Her father is the one who should deal with stuff like that, not me."
"Anyways, I am happy you showed up after all. I was worried I may have scared you off this afternoon. That was never my intention. I just really wanted to kiss the beautiful girl that keeps on ruining my coffee."
I had no clue what I was supposed to say to the man.
That I wanted it too?
That I wanted him to do it again?
Should I just confess everything he knows about me is a lie?
That the real me is everything he is against?
No relationship could form based on a set of lies, especially ones this big. But was that what I wanted?
Was it a relationship I wanted with him.
And if so, why?
Because he could potentially be my Mr Right, or because he was everything my father would disapprove of?
And then it happened. I lost complete control over it all, my mouth went its own way and there was no way to stop the words I spoke next.
"What if I told you that I would like you to do so again?"
He smirked and whispered in my ears.
"I like you more when you talk like this..."
My heels got stuck on the ground and I shivered at his words. The click of my teeth snapped together which is audible, pulling another grunt of amusement from him.
Inch by inch as he steps closer to me I can feel his warmth with a sensation of electric connection between us.
"What are you going to do?" I choke out, the stutter of my words in sync with my heartbeat.
His hot breath fans across my cheek, and I feel the glide of his lips alongside my jaw. I swallow, but I nearly choke from how dry my throat has become. Those lips descend to the column of my neck, skittering along until he pauses on the spot right below my ear.
"Let me make you mine now" he says, right before his teeth clamp down.
My back arches involuntarily, repulsion and pleasure marrying in my nerves, sending misfires to my brain. All coherent thoughts escape from my mind as a result, leaving me with nothing but basic instinct.
He groans, his teeth piercing as his tongue laps at my flesh. My mouth opens, a silent scream suctioned away just as his mouth does the same, drawing in deep like he's drinking the essence from my body.
And then he's pulling back, dragging his teeth along my skin as he lets go, leaving the spot smarting with pain.
My hands press into his chest for stability. Though my question is quickly answered when instinct coerces my hands to curl, gripping his white shirt tight and anchoring myself to him.
For the moment I almost forgot that we were in a bar full of people watching us.
"How about we continue this in my house?"
"I'm not waiting any longer", he answers tightly.
His tone is serious and if it wasn't for his hard dick currently trying to play tag with my stomach, I'd think he was mad at me for disturbing the moment with my words.
Opening the back door, he nearly tosses me in, barely giving me enough time to scoot away before he's following in after me, slamming the door behind him.
I back myself into the opposite side of my car but the second he realizes what I'm doing, he grabs both of my legs and drags me right back to him.
He hovers over me, my back pressing into the leather seat and instantly sticking to it like hot glue on paper.
The fact that he's staring down at me so intently while he is driving to my house, it feels as if his retinas are electromagnetic and he can see everything I'm hiding inside. I'm not brave enough to meet his stare.
Has he got to know that I'm not Arial but Veronica Vinox, CEO of Vinox Inc.?
Or did he understood my desire that I wanted him tonight ?
His one hand is settled back on my waist, the coarseness of his skin sending delicious static shocks throughout my nerve endings.
He leans down close, until his lips are a mere inch from mine. My eyes snap to his, like two opposite magnets.
What's wrong with me I'm Veronica Vinox, a heartless businesswoman in the business world who doesn't care about emotions when it comes to men but I-I can't stop the force between us.
Once our gazes clash, all thoughts - all those details - are forgotten. I can't think of anything else but how much I want him to kiss me, touch me and claim me as his.
"You like to pretend aren't you", he observes, a touch of amusement in his tone as he stops the car in front of my apartment.
"That's absolutely not true", I immediately answered which was a total lie.
I can't directly admit the feeling that I want to be his even if I know my family wouldn't allow me to do so. And apart from that I don't know how to control myself in front of him.

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