CHAPTER 17 ~ Miss Heartless

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I got dressed for my night and wore the clothes that I saw fit for what I was about to do. A comfortable attire for having a me time at the night.
I pulled my hair into a high, messy ponytail as a finishing touch and then made my way over to my couch where I sat down and shuffled around until I was in a comfortable position.
Was I ready to give up my night of relaxation for a night of fun with the guy I lied to about who I am?
What was I thinking?!
I'm not doing that. The hours I work are crazy, of course, I need my relaxation time.
But then again, it would be nice to have someone in my life to share my free time with. That time would always be limited, but it would definitely be nice.
And that was the moment it hit me. Sure, it would be nice to sit on the couch and swoon while watching Ian Somerhalder  in his fitting as Damon in The Vampire Dairies, but that wasn't life.
I jumped from the couch and hurried to my room to change my comfortable joggers for a satin boat-neck red top with a light golden colour short skirt above my knees. I opted for wearing classy white heels which would match the outfit of mine but instead chose my formal wear office heels.
Once ready, I rushed out of my apartment and ran down the stairs, not feeling like waiting for the elevator.
Where did all this eagerness to see him come from all of the sudden?
Wasn't I planning on staying in just a minute ago?
Suddenly, I felt strangely aware of the formal heels I was wearing and how it wasn't fit for the lounge I was headed too, let alone for the man I was going to see.
For a minute I thought about going back up the stairs and change, but I opted against that. If he couldn't handle seeing me in my comfortable clothes and heels, he wouldn't be the man for me.
Sure, I was on a short timeline here, but that didn't mean that I would let go of my beliefs of true love and how it should be enough to just be yourself in every way possible.
By the time I was on the ground floor, I took a minute to catch my breath. Not because of all the stairs I had just run down. No, my exercise routine made sure that wasn't necessary, I did, however, have to calm the sudden nerves I was feeling.
When I felt calm enough, I made my way out of the door on my building and towards the bar.
Because of the work, I had to finish back at the office and the fact that I still had to eat when I came back, it was now around 10.
Which meant that there was a certain buzz in the bar. It was nowhere near the kind of busy where you have to push through people to make your way around, but the booths and tables were all filled. Not that that meant anything to me, as I was planning to sit by the bar.
I sat down on a stool by the right end of the bar and was happy to see that the seats by the bar weren't filled up nor that there were lines of customers waiting to buy a drink.
It didn't take long for Aiden to notice me and a big smile formed on his face.
Was he that happy to see me?
Did his enthusiasm mean there really could be something there?
No, I could not go there. I had to stay focused and remember that, according to him, I am not Veronica Vinox, CEO of a multibillion-dollar company. I was Arial Blake, an executive assistant.
Oh God, this should stop. I shouldn't have come here.
What was I thinking?
He was not the type of person who would shove away his morals and beliefs, or rather said, his strong opinions of wealthy people.
He was not the guy I should marry and no way that I was the type of girl who would take this big of a risk. I had to leave. I was supposed to be chilling on my couch, watching some episodes of my Vampire Dairies on Netflix and consoling all my feelings by finishing a tub of ice cream. All by myself.
For a quick second, I considered to leave the lounge before he could properly greet me, but then I thought back to that amazing kiss in Central Park earlier today.
I could still feel the tingles on my lips and the butterflies in my stomach every time I thought back to that moment. Something that happened to happen occasionally during this afternoon and early evening.
"What is playing with your mind like this that you can't even greet me properly?" A voice broke my stream of thought, which I was pretty grateful for.
The voice sounded beautiful and clear, sweet but yet firm. It was, of course, the voice of a man that I couldn't take my mind off.

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