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"Alfred" Bruce called out as he gazed out through the window.

"Yes, Master Wayne?" Alfred was still dusting the photo frames that hung in the hallways as he spoke.

"The sun is out, and it doesn't look like it's going to rain"

Alfred threw his gaze out the window for a moment and nodded. It couldn't really be called a sunny day. But this is the most of the Sun you'll ever see in Gotham. The Sun was peeping out from the thick clouds like a shy kid hiding behind its parents. "The forecast said nothing about a rain today, Sir"

Bruce hummed in response and he lingered there for another few minutes. Alfred had already went further into the house, keeping himself busy with the chores.

He dug his hands deep in his pockets and took in a deep breath. "Alfred, I'll be outside!" He didn't even wait for a response, he just jogged out of the mansion.

Bruce walked around ,kicking at the grass that Alfred had mowed the other day. He looked around and once again felt greatful for having someone so organised in his life. He couldn't even think about how messy his life would have gotten if it wasn't for Alfred.

Bruce frowned when he felt he felt the ground beneath him get covered in shadows. Was it already getting so cloudy again?

He turned around in a brisk movement and his heart nearly gave up when he saw a human figure hovering over behind him. The surprise only lasted for a moment and his eyes fixed themselves into a glare before his lips flashed a grin.

"So that was what's hiding the Sun!" He grinned "What brings you to Gotham, Superman?" He lowered his eyes as Superman landed on the ground before him with a low thud.

"Do I always need a reason, Mr.Wayne?" Superman's face held no expression and his voice gave away nothing.

Bruce raised a brow and shrugged. "I guess not" he turned around and started walking away from the other man. He wouldn't show it, but he had a bad feeling about the whole situation. It took him by surprise when Superman gushed forward and yanked him by the shoulder, making him stumble back. The grip he had on him was so strong, yet so gentle.


Superman casually pulled Bruce close and picked him up off the ground. "Can I have the privilege to have you fly with me?"

"Sorry, what?"

"I'll take that as a yes" With that, Superman soared into the sky and it would be an understatement to say Bruce's sould left his body at once. He was confused about what was happening. Superman sure didn't seem like himself. He knew Clark wouldn't be doing this if he was in his right mind.

"Superman, what do you think you're doing!?" He tried to sound intimidating.

Superman halted and hovered in place. Bruce glanced down and saw the Wayne Manor as the size of a tiny lego house. He couldn't help but frown. He looked back up and flinched when he saw Superman watching him with a grim expression. "Er-- Mr. Superman--"

"Do you have something you wanna tell me?"

"Um--what would I possibly wanna tell you?"
Bruce had a really bad feeling about it. He hated how he didn't have any kryptonite on him.

"Do you have Dissociative Identity disorder or something?"

"Um.. no?"

Superman heaved a sigh. "Hm. Do you think you'll survive if I dropped you from up here?"

"Sorry, what?"

"I'll give you five seconds. If you can call me by my name within that , I won't drop you"

"What!?" Bruce felt a sudden panic rise in him. There was no way he was getting out of this alive. Superman definitely was upto something.




"--How would I--"



"Four...Say. My. Name"

"Everyone knows your name is Kal-El!"

Superman glanced at Bruce's face one last time and heaved a heavy sigh. "Five"

Bruce felt his heartbeat drop and all the blood rushed to his head as he felt the air gush against him. He was going down.

"JESUS FUCKING-- CLARK! CLARK JOSEPH KENT!!" He didn't know he could yell that loud. He never realised his throat was capable of it. As soon as he yelled out Clark's name at the top of his lungs, he felt a pair of strong arms embrace him and held him close. The warmth was so welcoming and he wheezed for air as he rested his head on the man's broad chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Bruce sounded funny and he hated it.

Clark just pulled him further into himself, squeezing him inside his embrace. "Why are you so stubborn? You could have died"

"So you knew not all of us are invulnerable and still decided to drop me anyway",Bruce was still trying to catch his breath. It annoyed him how Clark chuckled at him as he gazed down at his face. "Can we just go back down?"

"I don't want to"

Bruce thought Clark was being extra clingy. He didn't remember him being this cuddly with him. He just kept nuzzling at his face.

"Hey, are you alright? What's up with you?"

"I think I like you even more now" Clark smiled  as he planted a soft kiss on the side of Bruce's face and Bruce was surprised at how his heart skipped a beat.

"To know it was you all along..."


Clark pulled his head away to look Bruce in the face and smiled even wider. "I know you're Batman"

Bruce's eyes went wide. "What?"



It says in the editing window that i have 7 more drafts saved for this story....but i can only find 3!!

I was really proud of what i wrote and couldn't wait to update, but now what am i gonna do!!??? TwT


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