Day 10

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Originally made: 7/10/16
Edited: 3/14/15


You woke up to Leo slapping you awake.
"(Y/n)! There are two new campers!" Then he ran out leaving you dazed. When you ran out, Nico was standing in between two campers. You found Percy, and whispered, "you know their names?" He nodded.
"Ones name is Zoe, she doesn't want to talk about her last name, and the other ones names Katie. Katie Kieffer."
/YOUR WELCOME KATIE NOW COME TO MEH/ you nodded, and walked up to the shy blonde one. The brunette was spinning in circles, shouting, "WHY HERONDALE BOYS WHY!? MALEC FOREVER!" You shrugged your shoulder and held out your hand. "(Y/f/n)." She took your hand. "Zoe. This is Katie Kieffer. She recently finished a book and is raging over it. Of course, I made her read it. It's a great series! It's called the Mortal Instruments." Then you pointed to Percy. "This is Percy Jackson. He's my boyfriend. I could give you a tour of the place." Zoe nodded her head, and grabbed Katies wrist.
"KATIE NO SPINNING COME ON (Y/N)'s GONNA GIVE US A TOUR COME KATIE." The two demigods followed you as you gave them a tour. Then Leo walked out of the cabin.
"(Y/n), who are these two?" He had a pink tinge on his cheeks. Does bad boy supreme have a crush on one of the new girls? "Leo, the blonde is Zoe, and the brunette is Katie." Zoe's face was red, and she was looking at her feet. Katie walked up to you and whispered, "Lovebirds. Can't you tell?" You nodded your head in agreement and felt a smile tug at your upper lip. Zoe and Leo exchanged names and shook hands. When Zoe's hand drew away, it was shaking. You giggled
"Ok lovebirds let's continue the tour." Katie shouted.

Leo decided to stay with the group, and Katie was behind you, Zoe was behind Katie, and Leo was behind Zoe. You could have sworn Leo was sneaking looks. /*sigh* why me world/ when the dinner conch rang, you all ran to your tables. Katie and Zoe sat by each other at an empty corner in the Hermes cabin. You were sitting across from Leo, and he was stealing glances at the Hermes table. You snapped your fingers in front of his face.
"Hey, love struck. If you like her, try to be her friend! Then ask her out, dumbo." Then Leo looked at you and nodded. Then he picked at his food and started looking at Zoe again. You facepalmed. What were you going to do? Katie and Zoe were deep in conversation about books, I could tell. *warning City of Lost Souls spoilers*
"WHY DID MAGNUS HAVE TO BREAK UP WITH ALEC!?" Katie cried, and she put her face into Zoe's shoulder. Zoe rubbed her back, and started playing 'drums' on her head. Katie started giggling then they hugged. When they were done, they headed to the camfire.

At the campfire, many things happened. We were around the fire, and Zoe was stuck In between Leo and Katie. Katie was deep in song, when a thing of wheat appeared above her head.
"All hail Katie Kieffer daughter of Demeter." Chiron said, and bowed. Everyone else bowed, and we got right back into it. Then Zoe fell over the log, and in the process, she tried to keep leverage on Katie and Leo, but only succeeded in bringing them both with her. You laughed and Percy started laughing with you. Nico just sat there, next to you, deep in thought. Looking at Zoe. Hm... Oh well! The trio eventually got back on the log, laughing their butts off. Then there was a dark beam, and a skull and crossbones appeared over Zoe's head. Chiron sighed.
"All hail Zoe... Zoe...," Zoe stood up.
"Di Angelo. Zoe Di Angelo." Nico paled.
Chiron started to bow, "all hail Zoe Di Angelo, daughter of Hades, legacy of Nike." When everyone sat down, Nico came running up to Zoe and embraced her.
"I thought mom killed you Zoe." Zoe looked at Nico, with a soft expression on her face. She was stroking his hair reassuringly.
"madre non può farlo , ma sapevo che avrei trovato la mia strada di nuovo voi." They stayed there for about 5 minutes and Nico walked to his cabin. You could tell Zoe was tired, and so was Katie. Zoe and Katie embraced,
"Meet me at the beach at 7:30" Zoe whispered to Katie before Katie headed to the Demeter cabin, and Zoe headed to the Hades cabin. You and Percy stayed by the fire, until he brought a sleeping (y/n) to her cabin. Then Percy headed to his cabin. Percy could hear Nico crying, but he somehow knew Zoe could handle it. Therefor, today has been very hectic.

😎😘😁😂😚😋😇😘😈😕😁😚☺️hey dudes! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Katie is Kmkieffer and her profile pic is her OC, I drew it for her.    :3 hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leo is sleeping, and if it's ok, I can appear every other chapter or something.

Peace out Brohas!
~Zoe Di Angelo daughter of Hades

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