Day 26

920 16 7

Originally made: 7/16/15
Edited: 3/15/16

Hey guys! It's almost over... Um, You guys are welcome to private message me requests! I'd love to write them!!!

Percy was knocking on your door. At 6 in the morning. On a Saturday. SATURDAY. He knows you love to sleep in on Saturdays!
"(Y/n)!! OPEN UP!!!" You groaned and opened the door. Sadly, for you, Percy was in mid-knock and accidentally punched you in the face. Hard.
"Ow! What the heck, Percy!" You screeched. He looked surprised.
"Oh my gods (y/n) I'm so sorry. But this is important," you were listening, "I have something planned for us at 4 in the afternoon. Meet me at the docks!" Then he ran. You shrugged and decided to go back to bed.

It was 1:27pm when you woke up. Leo had set your blankets on fire. Accidentally! You patted the flames out and got dressed. You snuck 2 apples, and ate those while reading (favorite book). You did that for the next 2 hours.

~time skip to 3:30~

It was 3:32 and you decided to wear an SPQR shirt you got from Percy. Hehe..thanks Perce. You also put on some jean shorts and your tennis shoes. You started walking towards the dock when the clock struck 3:50. You raced to the dock and saw Percy on a... Canoe?
"Are we going canoeing by chance?" You inquire. He nodded and patted the empty spot behind him. You climbed in, putting on your helmet and picked up a paddle thingie. Percy started us off.
"I'm not using my powers, only if there is an emergency. For say, a waterfall." You nodded, and started to relax. Percy kept humming 'row your boat' while we canoed. We started to spin in circles. In the Rapids.
"MERRILY MERRILY MERRILY MERRILY LIFE IS BUT A DR-" he was stopped by him gagging. You had already thrown up, due to the spinning.
"How about we go back..." You say weakly. He nodded, and threw up on the side of the canoe.
"Ew! Percy!!" You started paddling as you saw the dock draw near.

"Thanks for the trip Percy!" You say. He nods. "No problem, flame girl." You smirk at your nickname. Percy walked you to the Hephaestus cabin. Then he gently pushed you against the cabin wall and puts his arms on either side of you. You smirk as his face becomes tinged pink. Then he kisses you. Gently, but you deepen the kiss. You both decide the back of the cabin would be better. He pinned you against the walls, and started planting kisses along your jawline, making you moan slightly. You felt Percy smirk into the kiss, and he deepened a kiss on your collarbone. You gasped.
"P-Percy I think that'll leave a m-mark." You whisper.
"That just proves my ownership over you." And he continues to kiss you.

~montage of neck kisses ;D~

When you told him to stop, he pouted. You sighed and gave him a peck on the lips.
"G'night Percy" you whisper.
"Goodnight (Y/n)" and Percy watched you walk into your cabin.


"Oh my gods (y/n)," Leo was sitting above you. You had just woken up.
"What Leo?" You yawn, "(y/f/n), is that a...HICKEY!?" Leo yelled. You looked at your collar bone, and sure enough, there was a hickey. Your hair caught on fire as you ran out of your cabin. Momentarily, you turned around.
"You. Saw. NOTHING." You jab Leo with your finger. He raises his hands in surrender as you walk towards the Poseidon cabin. But surely enough, you heard Leo yell,
"PIPER FREAKING McCLEAN GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!!" You sigh. So much for keeping his mouth shut.

I added fluff! (Every time I add fluff I must spell it)!!!



I think I have found the boundaries for fluff. Now please no one smack me!

Leo: I-

Me: *glares* if it's one thing I've learned from Nico, it's his death glare.

Leo: *cringes at the glare*

Me: yeah. That's right.

But yeah. I get to go home! Yay! My birthday is Friday and I'm having friends over. I will take a pic! One friend is camera shy, but I will hurt him if he doesn't join the pictures.

Yeah, Zaac I'm taking to you!

~Zoe Di Angelo
(~*3*)~ ~(*^*)~ ~(*3*~)

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